Lapida Virtual es el primer cementerio virtual del mundo; por un bajo costo por única vez usted puede crear una lapida virtual para sus fallecidos; perpetúe en forma pública y con fácil acceso, su homenaje a la memoria de quienes ya no estan, para ser vista en línea y obtendrá además, el enlace y un código QR para crear un adhesivo o cerámica para pegar en la lápida de piedra o nicho y también para compartir entre sus allegados.
Lapida Virtual is the first virtual cemetery in the world; for a low cost only once you can create a virtual tombstone for your deceased; Perpetuate in public and with easy access, your tribute to the memory of those who are no longer there, to be seen online and you will also obtain the link and a QR code to create an adhesive or ceramic to stick on the stone tombstone or niche and also to share among your relatives.
Visit: http://www.lapidavirtual.com
Lapida Virtual is the first virtual cemetery in the world; for a low cost only once you can create a virtual tombstone for your deceased; Perpetuate in public and with easy access, your tribute to the memory of those who are no longer there, to be seen online and you will also obtain the link and a QR code to create an adhesive or ceramic to stick on the stone tombstone or niche and also to share among your relatives.
Visit: http://www.lapidavirtual.com
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