Api integration team
Listado top ventas api integration team
Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo. Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Excelentes habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n para trabajar con mb'/xc3/xba'ltiples lb'/xc3/xad'deres globales de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a y socios.Capacidad de liderazgo y de entrenamiento a los miembros del equipo.b'/xc2/xa0'Habilidades de presentacib'/xc3/xb3'n. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en roles similares | Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's avanzado (escrito) | Excluyente.Conocimientos en Azure PaaS (AKS, Azure Web Apps/ASE, KeyVault, Storage, Message Bus, Redis, Functions, Logic Apps, Cognitive Services).Conocimientos en Kubernetes, Containers; en Java 8 w/Lambda Expressions/Completable Futures o C#/C++/VB.NET.Conocimientos en Cosmos/MongoDB/AzureSQL; tambib'/xc3/xa9'n en SpringBoot o ASP.NET Core 6+.Conocimientos en Multithreading y Swagger - Open API v3. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Sr. API Integrator JAVA / C#., tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Seguir las orientaciones de los diseb'/xc3/xb1'adores de API b'&' Integration para implementar las mejores integraciones de su clase en proyectos e iniciativas claves.Estar estrechamente alineado con las normativas de cada pab'/xc3/xad's y comprender sus complejidades para implementar las soluciones de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n mb'/xc3/xa1's adecuadas al ecosistema local. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel global como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte del API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n: Azure, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD, JAVA, C#, MongoDB, Azure SQL y herramientas PaaS. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar en un esquema hb'/xc3/xad'brido de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, teniendo 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site y 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office si sos de Buenos Aires. En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Reintegro por gastos de conectividad (Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flex a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landing en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludable en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learning para cursos de idiomas y training.Esquema de trabajo hb'/xc3/xad'brido, 1 vez on site si sos de Buenos Aires.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClub para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en seguros (automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's una primera entrevista con nuestra Recruiter, Rocb'/xc3/xad'o Albelo, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de una entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo.b'/xc2/xa0'Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Autonomb'/xc3/xad'a y compromiso.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n al usuario.Capacidad de liderazgo/entrenamiento. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Buscamos un/a arquitecto/a de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n con amplia experiencia prb'/xc3/xa1'ctica en el diseb'/xc3/xb1'o, la creacib'/xc3/xb3'n y la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de API REST. El/la candidato/a ideal tendrb'/xc3/xa1': Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en el desarrollo de API REST y en la creacib'/xc3/xb3'n de especificacionesb'/xc2/xa0'OpenAPIb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's escrito (avanzado)b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Sb'/xc3/xb3'lidos conocimientos tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos deb'/xc2/xa0'desarrollo en lenguajes como Java 8, JavaScript o C#.Conocimientos en nubes y experiencia en alguna de estas tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as:b'/xc2/xa0'Lambda, Expressions/Completable Futures, Swagger authoring, Azure PaaS (AKS, Azure Web Apps/ASE, KeyVault, Storage, Message Bus, Redis, Functions, Logic Apps, Cognitive Services), etc.b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Conocimientos deb'/xc2/xa0'protocolos como SOAP y GraphQL.Conocimientob'/xc2/xa0'prb'/xc3/xa1'ctico de pasarelas de API y plataformas de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n para controlar, proteger yb'/xc2/xa0'escalar APIFamiliaridad conb'/xc2/xa0'contenedores y Kubernetes |b'/xc2/xa0'Excluyente.Conocimientos enb'/xc2/xa0'microservicios.Capacidad para orientar y guiar a los equipos de desarrollo sobre las mejores prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de API. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Sr. API Architect JAVA,b'/xc2/xa0'tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Seleccionar el modelo adecuado de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n y gub'/xc3/xad'ar a los equipos en la ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'para garantizar el b'/xc3/xa9'xito de los proyectos e iniciativas de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n en toda una ART.Garantizar que se aprovechen los diseb'/xc3/xb1'os de las APIs existentesb'/xc2/xa0'absorbiendo la sobrecarga que presentan los equipos de desarrollo.b'/xc2/xa0'Ajustar el diseb'/xc3/xb1'o de APIsb'/xc2/xa0'a los estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de la empresa y garantizar que el diseb'/xc3/xb1'o cumpla con una integracib'/xc3/xb3'n real. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel globalb'/xc2/xa0'como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte delb'/xc2/xa0'API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n:b'/xc2/xa0'Azure, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD, JAVA 8 y herramientas PaaS. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, si sos de Buenos Aires serb'/xc3/xa1'b'/xc2/xa0'hb'/xc3/xad'bridob'/xc2/xa0'con 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office y 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site en oficinas de Microcentro.b'/xc2/xa0'En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Un porcentaje del salario dolarizado.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar primario.Reintegro por gastos de conectividadb'/xc2/xa0'(Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flexb'/xc2/xa0'a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landingb'/xc2/xa0'en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludableb'/xc2/xa0'en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learningb'/xc2/xa0'para cursos de idiomas yb'/xc2/xa0'training.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClubb'/xc2/xa0'para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en segurosb'/xc2/xa0'(automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'nuestra Recruiter,b'/xc2/xa0'Magalb'/xc3/xad' Ostriniuk,b'/xc2/xa0'para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo.b'/xc2/xa0'Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? b'/xc2/xa0'A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Excelentes habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'para trabajar con mb'/xc3/xba'ltiples lb'/xc3/xad'deres globales de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a y socios.Capacidad de liderazgo y de entrenamientob'/xc2/xa0'a los miembros del equipo.b'/xc2/xa0'Habilidades de presentacib'/xc3/xb3'n. b'/xc2/xa0'A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en la creacib'/xc3/xb3'n de integraciones de extremo a extremo utilizando API REST, colas de mensajes y marcos ETLb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's avanzado (escrito)b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia con plataformas en la nube comob'/xc2/xa0'Azure, AWS b'/xe2/x80/x93' PaaS, serverless.Dominio deb'/xc2/xa0'Java, Spring Boot, Node.js.Experiencia conb'/xc2/xa0'arquitectura de microservicios, Kubernetes, Docker.Conocimiento deb'/xc2/xa0'flujos de trabajo Git, prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas DevOps, automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n CI/CD.Conocimiento deb'/xc2/xa0'protocolos de mensajerb'/xc3/xad'a como HTTP, AMQP, MQTT, WebSockets.Sb'/xc3/xb3'lida formacib'/xc3/xb3'n tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gica en integraciones, junto con la capacidad de liderar, orientar y adaptar soluciones a los mercados regionales de Amb'/xc3/xa9'rica Latina. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Sr. API Integrator JAVA,b'/xc2/xa0'tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Seguir las orientaciones de los arquitectos de API b'&' Integrationb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar las mejores integraciones e iniciativas claves en proyectos.Estar estrechamente alineado con las normativas de cada pab'/xc3/xad's y comprender sus complejidadesb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar las soluciones de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n mb'/xc3/xa1's adecuada al ecosistema local. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel globalb'/xc2/xa0'como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte delb'/xc2/xa0'API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n:b'/xc2/xa0'Azure, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD, JAVA, MongoDB, Azure SQL y herramientas PaaS. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, si sos de Buenos Aires serb'/xc3/xa1'b'/xc2/xa0'hb'/xc3/xad'bridob'/xc2/xa0'con 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office y 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site en oficinas de Microcentro.b'/xc2/xa0'En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Un porcentaje del salario dolarizado.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar primario.Reintegro por gastos de conectividadb'/xc2/xa0'(Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flexb'/xc2/xa0'a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landingb'/xc2/xa0'en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludableb'/xc2/xa0'en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learningb'/xc2/xa0'para cursos de idiomas yb'/xc2/xa0'training.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClubb'/xc2/xa0'para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en segurosb'/xc2/xa0'(automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'alguna de nuestras Recruiters,b'/xc2/xa0'Rocb'/xc3/xad'o Albelob'/xc2/xa0'ob'/xc2/xa0'Carla Carrizo b'/xc3/x81'lvarez, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo.b'/xc2/xa0'Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Excelentes habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'para trabajar con mb'/xc3/xba'ltiples lb'/xc3/xad'deres globales de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a y socios.Capacidad de liderazgo y de entrenamientob'/xc2/xa0'a los miembros del equipo.b'/xc2/xa0'Habilidades de presentacib'/xc3/xb3'n. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en la creacib'/xc3/xb3'n de integraciones de extremo a extremo utilizando API REST, colas de mensajes y marcos ETLb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's avanzado (escrito)b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia con plataformas en la nube comob'/xc2/xa0'Azure, AWS b'/xe2/x80/x93' PaaS, serverless.Dominio deb'/xc2/xa0'Java, Spring Boot, Node.js.Experiencia conb'/xc2/xa0'arquitectura de microservicios, Kubernetes, Docker.Conocimiento deb'/xc2/xa0'flujos de trabajo Git, prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas DevOps, automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n CI/CD.Conocimiento deb'/xc2/xa0'protocolos de mensajerb'/xc3/xad'a como HTTP, AMQP, MQTT, WebSockets.Sb'/xc3/xb3'lida formacib'/xc3/xb3'n tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gica en integraciones, junto con la capacidad de liderar, orientar y adaptar soluciones a los mercados regionales de Amb'/xc3/xa9'rica Latina. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Sr. API Integrator JAVA,b'/xc2/xa0'tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Seguir las orientaciones de los arquitectos de API b'&' Integrationb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar las mejores integraciones e iniciativas claves en proyectos.Estar estrechamente alineado con las normativas de cada pab'/xc3/xad's y comprender sus complejidadesb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar las soluciones de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n mb'/xc3/xa1's adecuada al ecosistema local. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel globalb'/xc2/xa0'como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte delb'/xc2/xa0'API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n:b'/xc2/xa0'Azure, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD, JAVA, MongoDB, Azure SQL y herramientas PaaS. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, si sos de Buenos Aires serb'/xc3/xa1'b'/xc2/xa0'hb'/xc3/xad'bridob'/xc2/xa0'con 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office y 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site en oficinas de Microcentro.b'/xc2/xa0'En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Un porcentaje del salario dolarizado.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar primario.Reintegro por gastos de conectividadb'/xc2/xa0'(Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flexb'/xc2/xa0'a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landingb'/xc2/xa0'en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludableb'/xc2/xa0'en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learningb'/xc2/xa0'para cursos de idiomas yb'/xc2/xa0'training.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClubb'/xc2/xa0'para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en segurosb'/xc2/xa0'(automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'alguna de nuestras Recruiters,b'/xc2/xa0'Rocb'/xc3/xad'o Albelob'/xc2/xa0'ob'/xc2/xa0'Carla Carrizo b'/xc3/x81'lvarez, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo.b'/xc2/xa0'Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? b'/xc2/xa0'A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Autonomb'/xc3/xad'a y compromiso.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n al usuario. b'/xc2/xa0'A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: El/la candidato/a ideal deberb'/xc3/xa1' contar con: Una profunda experiencia tb'/xc3/xa9'cnica en toda la pila de Azure.Sb'/xc3/xb3'lidas habilidades de desarrollo.Conocimientos de DevOps y FinOps | Deseable.Capacidad para entrenar a los miembros.Habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n y colaboracib'/xc3/xb3'n.Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia prb'/xc3/xa1'ctica diseb'/xc3/xb1'ando, implementando y gestionando soluciones en Microsoft Azureb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's escrito (avanzado)b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Conocimiento a nivel experto de los servicios principales deb'/xc2/xa0'Azure (App Service, AKS, Serverless, Bases de datos, Almacenamiento, Redes, etc.).Sb'/xc3/xb3'lida experiencia enb'/xc2/xa0'desarrollo con lenguajes como Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, etc.Experiencia conb'/xc2/xa0'prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas DevOps b'/xe2/x80/x93' CI/CD, infraestructura como cb'/xc3/xb3'digo, monitorizacib'/xc3/xb3'n, automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Conocimiento deb'/xc2/xa0'FinOps y optimizacib'/xc3/xb3'n de los costes de la nube.Experiencia conb'/xc2/xa0'patrones de arquitectura para escala, rendimiento y alta disponibilidad.Capacidad parab'/xc2/xa0'escribir cb'/xc3/xb3'digo de infraestructura y aplicaciones limpio y mantenible. Es un plus si contas con: Certificacib'/xc3/xb3'n Azure.Fuerte formacib'/xc3/xb3'n o experiencia trabajando en lab'/xc2/xa0'Industria de Seguros. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Azure Cloud Engineer Sr.,b'/xc2/xa0'tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Guiar a los equipos de AD en las implementaciones en la nube.Ser responsable de garantizar la fiabilidad del sitio construido en Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a dentro de la solucib'/xc3/xb3'n en la nube dado el diseb'/xc3/xb1'ob'/xc2/xa0'para mantener la capacidad del despliegue inicial.Rediseb'/xc3/xb1'ar la arquitectura Cloud y participar de su administracib'/xc3/xb3'n.Comprender las complejidades y normativas de cada pab'/xc3/xad'sb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar soluciones de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n adecuadas al ecosistema local. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel globalb'/xc2/xa0'como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte delb'/xc2/xa0'API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n:b'/xc2/xa0'Azure, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, si sos de Buenos Aires serb'/xc3/xa1'b'/xc2/xa0'hb'/xc3/xad'bridob'/xc2/xa0'con 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office y 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site en oficinas de Microcentro.b'/xc2/xa0'En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Un porcentaje del salario dolarizado.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar primario.Reintegro por gastos de conectividadb'/xc2/xa0'(Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flexb'/xc2/xa0'a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landingb'/xc2/xa0'en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludableb'/xc2/xa0'en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learningb'/xc2/xa0'para cursos de idiomas yb'/xc2/xa0'training.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClubb'/xc2/xa0'para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en segurosb'/xc2/xa0'(automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'nuestra Recruiter,b'/xc2/xa0'Carla Carrizo b'/xc3/x81'lvarez, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte. b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Es una reconocida compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a de EE.UU que brinda soluciones de proteccib'/xc3/xb3'n, ahorro, jubilacib'/xc3/xb3'n y beneficios en el mundo.b'/xc2/xa0'Lideran el mercado de seguros y estb'/xc3/xa1'n presentes en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 40 pab'/xc3/xad'ses de Asia, Latam y EE.UU con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 49.000 colaboradores que le brindan servicio a mb'/xc3/xa1's de 90 millones de clientes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Excelente trato interpersonal.Proactividad.Gran capacidad de anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis.Autonomb'/xc3/xad'a y compromiso.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.Habilidades analb'/xc3/xad'ticas y de pensamiento crb'/xc3/xad'tico.Buena comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n oral y escrita.Orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n al usuario. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: El/la candidato/a ideal deberb'/xc3/xa1' contar con: Una profunda experiencia tb'/xc3/xa9'cnica en servicios cloud (Azure, Aws).Sb'/xc3/xb3'lidas habilidades en b'/xc3/xa1'reas de infraestructura o de desarrollo.Conocimientos de DevOps.Conocimientos de FinOpsb'/xc2/xa0'| Deseable.Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia prb'/xc3/xa1'ctica diseb'/xc3/xb1'ando, implementando y gestionando soluciones cloudb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's oral (intermedio) e inglb'/xc3/xa9's escrito (avanzado)b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Conocimiento avanzado en gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de docker y kubernetes (AKS o EKS). Es un plus si contas con: Certificaciones de Azure o AWS.Experiencia trabajando en lab'/xc2/xa0'Industria de Seguros. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Cloud SRE/DevOps,b'/xc2/xa0'tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Guiar a los equipos de AD en las implementaciones en la nube.Ser responsable de garantizar la fiabilidad del sitio construido en Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a dentro de la solucib'/xc3/xb3'n en la nube dado el diseb'/xc3/xb1'ob'/xc2/xa0'para mantener la capacidad del despliegue inicial.Rediseb'/xc3/xb1'ar la arquitectura Cloud y participar de su administracib'/xc3/xb3'n.Comprender las complejidades y normativas de cada pab'/xc3/xad'sb'/xc2/xa0'para implementar soluciones de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n adecuadas al ecosistema local. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l es el desafb'/xc3/xad'o de la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Vas a reinventar tu carrera participando en proyectos desafiantes a nivel globalb'/xc2/xa0'como la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de la empresa trabajando bajo un espb'/xc3/xad'ritu de startup.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Formarb'/xc3/xa1's parte delb'/xc2/xa0'API integration team, trabajando bajo un entorno b'/xc3/xa1'gil y compartiendo con un equipo apasionado por alcanzar los mejores objetivos. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n:b'/xc2/xa0'Azure, AWS, docker, kubernetes, CI/CD. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Vas a trabajar de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 hs, si sos de Buenos Aires serb'/xc3/xa1'b'/xc2/xa0'hb'/xc3/xad'bridob'/xc2/xa0'con 4 db'/xc3/xad'as de home office y 1 db'/xc3/xad'a on site en oficinas de Microcentro.b'/xc2/xa0'En el caso de vivir en otra provincia el esquema es 100% remoto. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Un porcentaje del salario dolarizado.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar primario.Reintegro por gastos de conectividadb'/xc2/xa0'(Se actualizarb'/xc3/xa1' perib'/xc3/xb3'dicamente).Db'/xc3/xad'a off de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Db'/xc3/xad'a de herencia cultura libre.Viernes flexb'/xc2/xa0'a partir de las 14 pm.Seguro de vida adicional que corresponde por ley.Licencia por paternidad extendida.Soft Landingb'/xc2/xa0'en licencias por maternidad.Pago b'/xc3/xba'nico por hijo para compra de b'/xc3/xba'tiles escolares.Asesoramiento impositivo.Check-up mb'/xc3/xa9'dico anual.Vacunacib'/xc3/xb3'n in company.Desayuno saludableb'/xc2/xa0'en la oficina.Vacaciones por db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles.Reintegro por guarderb'/xc3/xad'as/jardb'/xc3/xad'n de infantes.Plataforma de e-learningb'/xc2/xa0'para cursos de idiomas yb'/xc2/xa0'training.Gimnasio in company.Estacionamiento.Descuentos en SportClubb'/xc2/xa0'para empleados/as y grupo familiar primario, o reintegro de gastos por actividad fb'/xc3/xad'sica.Descuento en segurosb'/xc2/xa0'(automotor, rodados y hogar).Club de beneficios. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'nuestra Recruiter,b'/xc2/xa0'Carla Carrizo b'/xc3/x81'lvarez, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, participarb'/xc3/xa1's de unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista en inglb'/xc3/xa9's en la que estarb'/xc3/xa1'n los lb'/xc3/xad'deres tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos y representantes de RH para que puedan conocerte.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Job Description - Responsibilities:b'/xc2/xa0'As a Senior Associate, youb'/xe2/x80/x99'll work as part of a Workday technical team of problem solvers with extensive technical and industry experience, helpingb'/xc2/xa0' solve their complex business issues from strategy to execution. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:● Proactively assist in the management of a portfolio of internal clients, while reporting to Managers and above● Work with business stakeholders and functional product owners to gather business requirements of internal clientb'/xe2/x80/x99's projects● Be actively involved in global standardization through automation and innovation● Contribute to the development of your own and team's technical acumen● Develop Workday integrations according to business requirements● Act as L3 escalation point from Application Management Service (AMS) technical L2 team● Create detailed system integration specifications and data dictionaryAdditional Job Description - Requirements:● Minimum diploma degree in technology or equivalent is required● previous experience in software development work and 2+ years of Workday technical integration experience● Strong communication, presentation and relationship building skills● Experience with iterative or agile software development methodologies● Strong understanding of cloud SaaS architecture principles and integration patterns● Working in a global/virtual team environment● Demonstrating strong background in the areas of Java, Javascript, API (SOAP b'&' REST), XML, XSLT, Xpath, JSON, oAuth 2.0, PGP, mySQL. Nice to have Azure and.NET experience● Prior experience in the following Workday integration technologies○ Workday Studio integration○ Report as a Service○ 3rd payroll integration○ Workday connectors○ Document Transformation b'&' EIB○ Workday API integration in both SOAP and REST○ BIRT report design● Demonstrating familiarity with Workday HCM, Talent Management, Recruiting and Security configuration● Prior experience in delivering complex Workday technical integrations in global deployment environments● Prior hand-on experience with data analysis, PoC, middleware and problem solving● Solid understanding of security and data privacy standards, data governance and integration/development standards and best practices● Workday Certified Integration, Studio and CCTPP Consultants or Integration Pro is preferred. Nice to have Workday Extend experience
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Beneficios: 100% remotoSalario en USDBono seguro de saludBono gastos de almuerzo e internetConvenio con Payoneer (No paga comisib'/xc3/xb3'n)17 db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles off al ab'/xc3/xb1'o (Pagos)Feriados localesLong term Job Qualifications / Skill Requirements: Bachelor's Degree (B.A.) or equivalent four-year degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related fieldExperience as Software Developer/SDET/Test Automation Engineer5-7 years of proven experience working in a Test Automation role or similar capacityExperience in automation of services/API software layers (e.g. UI, services, APIs, etc.) and debugging, and optimizing applications/ automated test scriptsAbility to programmatically test your own codeb'/xc2/xa0'Minimum understanding of design patterns, data structures, and layered architecture with knowledge of applying those aspects in test environmentsb'/xc2/xa0'Knowledge or experience in other languages/tools - VueJS, AngularJS, Protractor, Jasmine, JavaScript, JMeter, UFT/QTP, etc.Advanced programming skills in automation systems and databasesAccurate Knowledge of CI/CD technologies (e.g. Jenkins, Git, Maven, etc.)Detailed knowledge of application functions, bug fixing, and testing protocolsAbility to assess needs, influence, collaborate, deliver, and partner with the most senior levels in the organizationDemonstrated knowledge of testing best practices, version control practices, and defect management practicesStrong experience in stress testing scalable high-volume applications that handle millions of requests.Proficient with service automation and automation framework development.Ability to build collaborative, trustworthy relationships across functions and geographiesExperience with Agile/SCRUM methodology and how Testing functions with itProfessional experience using cybersecurity and open-source technologyExperience and ability to use coding languages (e.g. Python, Typescript, Selenium, webdriver,Java, JavaScript) and frameworks/systems (e.g. AngularJS, Git)Knowledge and ability to develop, maintain, and execute API automated tests.Outstanding collaboration and communication skills are essentialExperience developing secure software systems based upon industry specificationsExperience analyzing code for weaknesses and errors and presenting detailed plans to improve themExperience developing customized code for multiple projects simultaneouslyAbility to learn new languages and technologies is strongly preferred The Roleb'/xc2/xa0' Software Development Engineer in Test SDET is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of automated test solutions, and for helping to deliver the quality and performance of our different software products. Incumbents of this position must possess extensive experience in programming languages as well as modern testing tools, should be able to write and support automated testing solutions for multi-tiered applications, and are hands-on and self-motivated engineers who can work collaboratively in a continuous integration environment. Proper and successful execution of this role will involve fluency in test automation frameworks, attention to detail, understanding of business processes, unwavering dedication to software quality, and working closely with Software Development Engineers to understand a complex domain and product.b'/xc2/xa0' What You'll Do As the Software Development Engineer in Test, you will be responsible for the following: Designs, develops, maintains, and troubleshoots automated suites of tests through continuous integration for value-added feedbackTakes ownership of deep learning about our software, its functions, how it fulfills our customers' needs, and how they use the productWorks with the engineering teams to derive testing requirements throughout the development cycle.Work alongside architecture, engineering, and design teams to assess for defects and discuss verification protocolsb'/xc2/xa0'Develop and implement ideas for automated software test proceduresb'/xc2/xa0'Interpret, build upon, and comply with company Testing strategy and standardsb'/xc2/xa0'Find, record, and track bugs, and perform thorough documentation of Test process activities with internal reporting and auditsb'/xc2/xa0'Develop new standards for production and design, with improvements as needed, and create testing protocols for implementation across all service linesOversee pre-production acceptance testing to ensure the high quality of a companyb'/xe2/x80/x99's services and productsAssesses and understands the flow of code and its interaction with various processesEvaluate specifications, requirements, and technical design documents to provide prompt and valuable feedbackDesign, develop, and execute automation scripts using open-source tools and implement software applicationsPursue continuing education on new solutions, technology, and skills.b'/xc2/xa0'Takes ownership of deep learning about our software, its functions, and how it fulfills our customers' needs and how they use the product Cultivate new business relationships, maintain existing business relationships with customers and partners Responsibilities / Duties / Tasks: Monitor risk-management procedures, and maintain and analyze problem logs and bug reports to identify and report recurring issues to management and product development.Build robust, scalable, and highb'/xe2/x80/x93'quality test automation solutions for functional, regression, and performance testing.Develop code for quality automation and ensure extensive unit test coverage of the codeMonitor/review debugging process resultsPerform reviews of automation code.Analyze and investigate product complaints or reported quality issues to ensure closure in accordance with company guidelines and external regulatory requirementsAnalyze production/service limitations against standards and recommend revisions ofspecifications where necessary.Troubleshoot the system and identify software application weaknesses and target areasLiaise with the technology and product departments in coordinating procedures to address any deficiencies.Monitor production quality performance to identify opportunities for improvement, and carry out maintenance of quality files, procedures, and work instructions for proper adherence to quality systems.Ability to give, receive, and implement feedback and constructive criticismb'/xc2/xa0'Have a positive and energetic attitude and make efforts to maintain/improve moraleBuild collaborative, trustworthy relationships across a range of styles, functions, geographies, and cultures to form networks within and outside the companyb'/xc2/xa0'Develop and maintain strong organizational astuteness and agilitySelf-directed, including: manages time, proactively seeks work opportunity, supports the department and software needs, proactively seeks and pulls work, delivers on daily projects tasks, communicates with team - has a strong sense of urgency and engagement of projects and timely delivery.Focuses on work while at work, stays engaged, attentive and proactive and eliminates distractions (cell phone, internet, long breaks, distractions, etc)Expand the capabilities of the framework to support the completion of automated tests against different testing environments and also develop automated component tests to validate component behavior.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are looking for a Sr Salesforce Developer to join our team! The project is within the Digital Agriculture industry and is based in San Francisco, CA. The team develops a platform that examines weather, soil and field data to help farmers determine potential yield-limiting factors in their fields.We're on the lookout for an individual who shares our dedication to assisting farmers in enhancing productivity through digital solutions. This role offers a unique opportunity to become a part of our dynamic team, responsible for testing applications that guarantee an exceptional experience for our valued customers. In collaboration with our engineering team, business analysts, and business partners, you will play a pivotal role in developing a world-class application that enhances productivity and elevates the customer experience. About the role We are looking for a talented and motivated Salesforce Developer to contribute to the mission of helping the worldb'/xe2/x80/x99's farmers sustainably increase productivity using digital tools, mobile software, advanced analytics, and high-quality assurance standards. This role is a unique opportunity to join our dynamic team, responsible for building and maintaining the apps that ensure a great experience for our customers. Are you passionate about Salesforce? We are looking for a Salesforce Developer to provide solutions and build our Salesforce platform. You will partner with engineering, business analysts, and business partners to build a world-class application to improve productivity and customer experience. Role Responsibilities: Work with other engineers, business stakeholders and analysts to deeply understand visual designs, application workflows, transitions, personas, use cases.Build elegant support tools and services.Participate in code reviews to share knowledge, help each other learn new things and take pride in making our code betterWrite comprehensive tests (unit, integration, automation) to improve qualityBring product and code improvement ideas to the teamIdentify risks associated with component or application ImplementationKeep current with trends and technological innovations in the agricultural industry and make appropriate development recommendations.Lead development initiatives and provides mentorship and direction to less experienced Engineers.Lead project technical scoping, technical specification review, training of new staff and of emerging Salesforce technologies to existing staff. Basic Qualifications: Intermediate/Advanced English skills with strong communication abilities.Self-motivated, quick learner, and adaptable to new technologies and legacy systems.Thrives in a team environment, actively contributes to collaboration, fostering a sense of community.Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, with a keen eye for detail and a proactive approach to issue resolution. Embraces new ideas to enhance problem-solving processes.Expert in Salesforce development, customization, and integration. Qualifications for the Role: 4+ years of Salesforce platform experience5+ Year of Web application development using modern framework experience.Experience working with Apex.Experience working with frontend web framework like React.Solid foundational grounding in OO design, RDBMS principles, and data modeling.Nice to have:Experience documenting use cases and implementation decisions.Familiarity with financial / software industry requirements.Experience successfully implementing third-party vendors/add-ons.Experience with Agile Development and SCRUM.Experience building platforms that support declarative interfaces.Salesforce Admin, Developer certifications preferred.Deep understanding of the Salesforce product suite including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Communities, and AppExchange solutions.Knowledge of complex integrations.Position Type:Remote opportunity from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.Full-Time and Long-Term Position Location: Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Salesforce QA Engineer - full time, remoteb'/xc2/xa0'Leading multinational company in the manufacturing of medical devices, based in Danvers, USA, is looking for a SFDC QA Engineer.b'/xc2/xa0'Advanced level of English (C1) essential. It is important that you are available to travel to the United States sporadically - not exclusive. We are seeking an experienced SFDC QA Engineer to execute both Manual and Automated tasks to join our team. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in QA methodologies, a good understanding of Salesforce, and strong soft skills. We would like to find a QA resource with specific experience testing Salesforce components. The resource will also need experience automating processes using RPA tools like Robot and CRT. Key Responsibilities: Salesforce Testing: Develop and execute test plans, test cases, and test scripts for Salesforce implementations, customizations, and integrations.Perform functional, regression, integration, and performance testing on Salesforce applications.Ensure thorough testing of Salesforce configurations, workflows, custom objects, and Apex code.Provide specific expertise in testing Salesforce components as required by the client. Defect Management: Identify, document, and track defects and issues. Work closely with development teams to ensure timely resolution.Conduct root cause analysis to identify process improvements and prevent recurring issues.Collaboration and Communication:Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including developers, business analysts, and project managers, to ensure alignment on project requirements and quality standards.Communicate QA status, progress, and issues to stakeholders, providing regular updates and reports. Continuous Improvement: Drive continuous improvement initiatives within the QA team, leveraging metrics and feedback to enhance QA processes and practices.Stay current with industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in quality assurance and Salesforce. Qualifications: Education: Bachelorb'/xe2/x80/x99's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field (or equivalent experience). Experience: 5+ years of experience in quality assurance, with at least 2 years in a leadership role.Experience with Salesforce including testing of Salesforce configurations, customizations, and integrations.Experience with test automation tools and frameworks (e.g., CRT, Selenium, TestNG, JUnit) is a must. Skills and Competencies: Strong knowledge of QA methodologies, tools, and processes.Proficiency in creating and executing test plans, test cases, and test scripts.Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.Strong communication and interpersonal skills.Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Tools and Technologies: Must: Test Strategy/Test Case DevelopmentRPA Development b'/xe2/x80/x93' Robot / CRTAPI Integration TestingSalesforce Important: Python/Java Test ScriptingFamiliar with Git Nice to have: JenkinsSelenium Certifications: Salesforce certifications (e.g., Salesforce Certified Administrator, Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder) are a plus.ISTQB or other relevant QA certifications are a plus. Personal Attributes: Attention to detail and a commitment to quality.Strong business interaction skills.Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Adaptability and willingness to learn new technologies and methodologies.b'/xc2/xa0' General conditions for contractors - remote LATAM This role is to perform as a contractor, full time, 100% remote.b'/xc2/xa0'Those who work as contractors have b'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Salesforce Developer Senior, fluent english (full time - remote)b'/xc2/xa0'Leading multinational company in the manufacturing of medical devices, based in Danvers, USA, is looking for ab'/xc2/xa0'SSr + /Sr Salesforce Developer | english: full fluent (C1/C2).b'/xc2/xa0'We are seeking a talented and experienced Senior Salesforce Developer to join our SFDC support team. As a Senior Salesforce Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and implementing Salesforce solutions to meet our business requirements for specific integration project. You will work closely with business analyst, stakeholders and other platform teams to understand their needs and design the proper technical solutions within the Salesforce platform. This role requires deep technical expertise in Salesforce development, strong problem-solving skills, and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment. Key Responsibilities: Design, develop, and implement custom Salesforce solutions using Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Components, and other Salesforce technologies.Customize Salesforce applications by configuring objects, fields, workflows, process builder, validation rules, etc.Collaborate with business stakeholders to gather requirements and translate them into technical designs.Perform unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing to ensure the quality of solutions.Provide technical leadership and guidance to junior developers.Stay up-to-date with the latest Salesforce features, best practices, and industry trends.Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to peers.Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues related to Salesforce applications. Qualifications: Bachelorb'/xe2/x80/x99's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field; or equivalent experience2+ years of experience developing Salesforce customizations (Apex/VF), integrations, and developing and executing data migrations3+ years of experience in technology implementation for full lifecycle enterprise software projectsSalesforce certifications such as Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I and II are highly desirable.Proficiency in Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Components, Salesforce APIs, and other Salesforce technologies.Good technical foundation including Advanced structured programmingb'/xc2/xa0' Software engineering skills with Force.com Platform (Apex, VisualForce, SOQL, Unit Testing)Software engineering skills with Java SE b'&' EE (Java, JSF, SQL) preferredExperience and expertise in core web technologies including HTML5, Javascript and jQuery Experience with Agile development methodologies such as XP/SCRUMExperience with web services (REST b'&' SOAP, JSON b'&' XML, etc.)Demonstrated experience and knowledge of relational databases, data modeling, and ETL toolsExcellent organizational, verbal and written communication skillsDirect experience working on CRM projects for middle market and enterprise size companiesWorking knowledge and experience with complex business systems integration as well as object-oriented design patterns and development.b'/xc2/xa0' General conditions for contractors - remote LATAM This role is to perform as a contractor, full time, 100% remote.b'/xc2/xa0'Those who work as a contractor have b'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are Ecosystems, a global technology company that connects our clients with tailored, comprehensive and innovative solutions. We operate in more than 15 countries, including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Spain.b'/xc2/xa0'With 30 years of experience and a multidisciplinary team of more than 500 professionals, we are driven by the commitment to grow each project and client we work with.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa1'We want you to be part of this great team!What are we looking for?An Oracle Fusion Analyst Ssr/Sr to join an important hearing products company???? Workplace: 100% remote????Modality: remote???? Working hours: Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.b'/xc2/xa0' Argentina TimeThe office is located in Minneapolis, MN, and people working remotely work in this time zone (11 am to 5pm)b'/xc2/xbf'What will your responsibilities be?In this role, you will have the opportunity to:b'/xc2/xa0'Configure and customize Oracle Fusion Cloud modules, including but not limited to:b'/xc2/xa0'General LedgerAccounts PayableAccounts ReceivableCash ManagementProcurementInventory ManagementOrder ManagementAnalyze current business processes and identify opportunities for improvement through Oracle Fusion functionalities.Design and implement process optimization strategies to enhance efficiency and accuracy.Collaborate with business users to understand their requirements and translate them into technical solutions.Support and Maintenance: Provide timely and effective support to end-users, resolving issues and answering questions.Efficiently manage and resolve incidents and service requests related to Oracle Fusion Cloud applications.Conduct root cause analysis to identify and address underlying issuesMonitor system performance and identify potential issues.Stay up-to-date with Oracle Fusion Cloud releases and patches.Develop and maintain complex integrations between Oracle Fusion and other systems.Proficiency in analyzing large datasets to identify discrepancies and anomalies in data flows between systems.Ability to troubleshoot and resolve integration issues, including data and process mapping, transformation, and validation.Project Implementation:b'/xc2/xa0'Participate in Oracle Fusion Cloud implementation projects, including requirements gathering, design, testing, and deployment.Provide technical expertise and guidance to project teams to ensure successful delivery of projects.What do we need?That you have:Bachelorb'/xe2/x80/x99's degree in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), Business or equivalent education.b'/xc2/xa0'Strong technical expertise in Oracle Fusion Cloud, including configuration, customization, and troubleshooting, implementation projects. Oracle certifications are a plus.Experience with scripting languages (e.g., Python, SQL) and ETL tools.In-depth knowledge of financial and supply chain processes.Proven ability to analyze complex business problems and develop effective solutions.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to interact with diverse stakeholders.Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment b'/xe2/x80/x93' self-starter, proactive, flexible, and able to handle and prioritize multiple work streams simultaneously.We offer excellent benefits, growth opportunities and we will string along with you in your professional development.At Ecosystems we believe that diversity improves our culture and perspectives, which is why we actively promote an inclusive environment where each individual, regardless of their background, gender, orientation, abilities or beliefs, is not only welcome, but also essential to our success. We value and respect all voices, and we invite you to join our team, where inclusion is an essential pillar of our values.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Senior Software Developer to join our team. This role will be instrumental in the development and maintenance of our order management software, leveraging Salesforceb'/xe2/x80/x99's latest cloud technologies and integrating with various backend systems. Responsibilities: Technical Expertise: ●b'/xc2/xa0'Design, develop, and deploy robust and scalable Mulesoft integrations.● Extract business rules and logic from complex Java applications.● Collaborate with the team to define and implement technical solutions.● Troubleshoot and resolve complex technical issues. Business Acumen: ● Work closely with business stakeholders to understand their requirements andtranslate them into technical solutions.● Clearly communicate technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences.● Proactively identify opportunities for process improvement and automation. Project Management: ● Manage and prioritize tasks effectively.● Work independently and as part of a team.● Provide regular updates on project progress and potential challenges. Quality Assurance: ● Adhere to best practices for coding standards, testing, and deployment.● Conduct thorough code reviews and unit testing. Innovation: ● Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends.● Embrace a culture of continuous learning and improvement.● Propose innovative solutions to complex problems. Requirements: ● Strong proficiency in Mulesoft development, including API design, development,and testing.● Deep understanding of Java and object-oriented programming principles.● Experience with Salesforce and its ecosystem, particularly Salesforce Cloud.● Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills.● Strong communication and interpersonal skills.● Ability to work independently and as part of a team.● A passion for technology and a desire to learn. Location: LATAM
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Summary/Mission: Perform tasks in all phases of the development cycle with little or none technical supervision. Appropriately assess problematic situations to gain adequate understanding of problems involved and assume the responsibility of delivering complex tasks on time and in scope within the teamb'/xe2/x80/x99's plan. Responsibilities: Work with the team to design for the performance, capacity and high availability of infrastructure and services Participate in problem resolution activities; Troubleshoot issues across the entire stack - software, database and infrastructure.Diagnose and troubleshoot complex distributed systems handling large volumes of data and develop solutions that have a significant impact at scale.Participate in building advanced tooling for testing, monitoring, administration and operations of multiple clusters across multiple geographically distributed data centersDevelop innovative ways to smartly measure, monitor b'&' report application and infrastructure healthExperience improving the performance of micro-services and solve scaling/performance issuesDefine and Monitor SLI/SLO Error BudgetsDrive efficiencies in systems and processes: capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring and root cause analysis. RequisitosRequirements / Experience: Creative when solving problems and continuously seeking improvements for processes and solutions facilitate knowledge sharing by creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation b'&' diagramsWrite high quality code to deliver automated solutions across the entire stack.Translate a passion for improvement into design b'&' roadmap contributions, despite existing technical challengesPartner with the Engineering community to establish metrics, review b'&' sign off on changes and introduce new services and schema changesStrong team player with a high degree of self-motivationAbility to learn new systems b'&' manage additional technical resources to meet the project requirementsCollaborate with development teams on best practices and infrastructure planning activities with a focus on reliability, performance and security3+ years of hands-on experience with cloud computing - including infrastructure, storage, platforms and data management, preferably in AWS.Experience with container orchestration technologies, like Docker b'&' KubernetesHands-on experience on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.Hands-on experience with Github Actions.Preferred Qualifications BS degree in computer science or proven software engineering capabilityExperience with traditional enterprise data-center technologies, including compute, storage appliances, virtual machines, and networkingExperience managing Databases: MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, or PostgreSQLExperience working with scalable networking technologies such as Load Balancers/Firewalls and web standards (REST APIs,, web security mechanisms, OWASP top 10).Broader Integration and management experience of DevOps ecosystems and relatedDeployment/orchestration tools such as Helm, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory3+ years of experience in Linux Systems and general programming/scripting (Python, Shell, Java, Golang) and automation frameworks.Able to identify the root cause and resolve critical issues by looking across multiple layers (storage, OS, network, and application / DB stack)Play a part in incident management and emergency response b'/xc2/xa0' Location: LATAM USD Pay
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
As a Tooling Engineer, you and your team will be focused on our ability to deploy and build at scale, to create best practices across our engineering organization for security, compliance, and enable our highly autonomous engineering teams to execute safely with the latest technologies. You will help us expand globally. In this role, you will: Be hands-on designing, developing and delivering technical solutions for supporting the work of the rest of the company..Establish credibility through the quality of your own and your teamb'/xe2/x80/x99's technical execution and ownership.Have a rare ability to collaborate with and influence diverse engineering teams to improve the reliability, scalability, and durability of their tools and processes.Mentor and help other employees to reach their full potential.Give engineers the tools, confidence, and motivation to make decisions autonomously.Know how to manage multiple projects and balance support b'&' development for multiple stakeholders. YOUR PROFILE 5+ years of experience as Backend, Integrations or CI/CD pipelines of a healthy and high-performing engineering team.Previous operational responsibility for business critical systems, in a collaborative environment.Strong sense of urgency and ownership over critical problem areas.CS, EE, or CE degree and/or a demonstrable, solid understanding of CS fundamentals.Solid grasp of Linux systems, Docker and CI tools like Jenkins, Github Actions, Azure DevOps or the like.Solid grasp of the NodeJS ecosystem, including Typescript and automated build and testing tools for them like Cucumber or Mocha.Experience in designing, implementing and documenting API services for consumption by other engineering teamsExperience in designing and implementing tools that involve collaboration between multiple services working together as a whole. Excellent command of English, both written and verbal. Ability to work independently from a remote location Ideally you have: Experience with tooling or DevOps teams in startups.Experience with modern platforms for code build, deploy, and container operations. WHAT WE OFFER: In addition to being part of our quest to help people empower their imagination, we offer: Competitive salary and benefitsFlexibility with scheduleAbility to work remotelyFlexible time offA phenomenal learning environment for you to develop
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