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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
YEL Solutions se encuentra en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un perfil Access Management JR para sumarse a nuestro Staff de especialistas. Se requiere de una experiencia mb'/xc3/xad'nima de 1-2 ab'/xc3/xb1'os. En este caso buscamos una persona con conocimientos en seguridad informb'/xc3/xa1'tica y Access Management JR (Alta, baja, modificacib'/xc3/xb3'n de usuarios) b'/xc2/xa0' Modalidad: Hibrido - 1 dia oficina y 4 home Horario L a V 9hs a 18hs Lugar: CABA b'/xc2/xa0' CONOCIMIENTOS Tb'/xc3/x89'CNICOS Y RESPONSABILIDADES Realizar/automatizar controles IT sobre las aplicaciones/sistemas crb'/xc3/xad'ticos de la Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Informar y escalar los desvb'/xc3/xad'os identificados en la ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'n de controles IT Orientamos la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda a estudiantes o graduados de carreras de Sistemas y/o afines.-SAP (deseable para abm, asignacib'/xc3/xb3'n de roles) -Paquete Office (principalmente Excel, Word) -Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n de Office 365 -Of365 (generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de reportes, armados de dashboard, generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de documentacib'/xc3/xb3'n) -b'/xc2/xa0' Teams y sharedpoint -Active Directory (abm de usuarios, policy group, carpetas compartidas) -Vpn (Cisco) -Conocimiento de herramientas de registracib'/xc3/xb3'n b'/xc2/xa0' QUE OFRECEMOS b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Modalidad de trabajo hibrida b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familia b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria y otros)b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Club de Beneficios b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Asistencia al Empleado b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Contrato por tiempo indeterminado b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequios por db'/xc3/xad'as especiales b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Referidos b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Dias Free b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Tienda Molinos
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
YEL Solutions se encuentra en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un IT Compliance Officer SSR para sumarse a nuestro Staff de especialistas. Se requiere de una experiencia mb'/xc3/xad'nima de 1-2 ab'/xc3/xb1'os. En este caso buscamos una persona con conocimientos en seguridad informb'/xc3/xa1'tica y Access Management JR (Alta, baja, modificacib'/xc3/xb3'n de usuarios)b'/xc2/xa0'Modalidad: Hoy es 100% remoto (podria ser hibrido 4x1 en un futuro)Horario L a V 9hs a 18hsLugar: Martinezb'/xc2/xa0'CONOCIMIENTOS Tb'/xc3/x89'CNICOS Y RESPONSABILIDADESAtender y gestionar requerimientos de IT de auditorb'/xc3/xad'as internas y externasRealizar/automatizar controles IT sobre las aplicaciones/sistemas crb'/xc3/xad'ticos de la Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'aInformar y escalar los desvb'/xc3/xad'os identificados en la ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'n de controles ITPreparar informes ejecutivos sobre el resultado de los controles y remediacib'/xc3/xb3'n de hallazgos.Seguir planes de mejora continua sobre las aplicaciones controladasParticipar en los proyectos propios del b'/xc3/xa1'rea, referidos a Seguridad de la Informacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Colaborar en la actualizacib'/xc3/xb3'n del Marco Normativo de Seguridad de la Informacib'/xc3/xb3'nOrientamos la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda a estudiantes o graduados de carreras de Sistemas y/o afines.Valoraremos perfiles con experiencia en posiciones similares con conocimiento en:- MS Office, SAP, SAP GRC, ACL, Lenguajes de programacib'/xc3/xb3'n.- Excel avanzado.- Idioma inglb'/xc3/xa9's y portugub'/xc3/xa9's (deseable)QUE OFRECEMOSb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Modalidad de trabajo remotab'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familiab'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria y otros)b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Club de Beneficiosb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Asistencia al Empleadob'/xe2/x80/xa2'Contrato por tiempo indeterminadob'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequios por db'/xc3/xad'as especialesb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Referidos
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Desde Yel Solutions, nos encontramos en búsqueda de un especialista en Access Management IT Ssr, para incorporar a nuestro Staff de Servicios Informáticos. Se requiere experiencia corporativa previa,(excluyente), mínimo 2 años. Lugar de trabajo: CABA, esquema hibrido, lunes a viernes de 16 a 23hs Se ofrecen interesantes beneficios descriptos al pie del aviso TAREAS -Active Directory -Sistema de tickets -Inv Gate -Office 365 -SAP BENEFICIOS •Modalidad de trabajo hibrida •Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familia •Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomía, indumentaria y otros) •Club de Beneficios •Programa de Asistencia al Empleado •Contrato por tiempo indeterminado •Obsequios por días especiales •Programa de Referidos
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Para importante Empresa de Productos de Consumo masivo se encuentra en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un Especialista Funcional TPM (Trade Promotion Management)Serb'/xc3/xa1'n sus funciones principalesParticipar en la promocion del servicio y la esperiencia con los usuariosImpulsar procesos de mejora continuaResolver incidencias tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicas garantizando la calidad del servicio y su buen funcionamientoPermanecer contacto con los clientes y las distintas b'/xc3/xa1'reas de trabajoImplementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de sistemas de TISe requiereConocimiento en Sharepoint y AnalyticsActitud proactiva, habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n y resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de problemasConocimientos de Metodologb'/xc3/xad'a Agile (deseable)Contar con conocimientos previos del mercado de consumo masivo y anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis de negocios serb'/xc3/xa1' considerado un plusEsperamos contar con tu participacib'/xc3/xb3'n
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Desde Yel Solutions, nos encontramos en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un especialista enb'/xc2/xa0' Access Management IT JR, para incorporar a nuestro Staff de Servicios Informb'/xc3/xa1'ticos.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'Se requiere experiencia corporativa previa,(excluyente), mb'/xc3/xad'nimo 1 ab'/xc3/xb1'os.Lugar de trabajo: CABA, lunes a viernes de 16 a 00hs, HIBRIDOSe ofrecen interesantes beneficios descriptos al pie del avisoTAREASb'/xc2/xa0'-Active Directory-InvGate-Nagios Monitoring-Zabbix-Sistema de tickets-Office 365-Windows 10-MS TeamsBENEFICIOS-Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familia-Medio dia de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os-Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria y otros)b'/xc2/xa0'-Club de Beneficios-Programa de Asistencia al Empleado-Contrato por tiempo indeterminado-Obsequios por db'/xc3/xad'as especiales-Programa de Referidos
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En Yel Solutions nos encontramos en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un perfil Access Management SSR zona: CABA (Retiro) para sumarse a nuestro staff de colaboradores en Argentina.Modalidad: HibridaLugar: CABA RetiroHorario: L a V 9 a 18hsb'/xc2/xa0'REQUISITOS:- Experiencia: +2 ab'/xc3/xb1'osCONCIMIENTOS Tb'/xc3/x89'CNICOS-Conocimiento de herramientas Office-Manejo de herramientas de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de tickets (incidentes) - Conocimiento en Jira serb'/xc3/xa1' un plus-Conocimientos de MS Outlookb'/xc2/xa0'-Conocimientos de procesos de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de incidentes-Creacib'/xc3/xb3'n de usuarios en AD, asignacib'/xc3/xb3'n de permisos sobre usuarios, carpetas y directorios-Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de identidades y accesosb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'- excluyente- Firewall, Fortinet, MS Teams, Windows 10b'/xc2/xa0'FUNCIONES Y RESPONSABILIDADES-Se dedicarb'/xc3/xa1' a la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de altas, bajas y modificaciones de perfiles de usuarios en varias plataformas del cliente-Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n de Identidades y Accesos de sistemas.-Coordinacib'/xc3/xb3'n de pruebas de Continuidad Operativas de sistemas. Revisib'/xc3/xb3'n, correccib'/xc3/xb3'n y generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de instructivos y procedimientos tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicosb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'Seguimiento de incidentes pendientesQUE OFRECEMOSb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familiab'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria y otros)b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Club de Beneficiosb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Asistencia al Empleadob'/xe2/x80/xa2'Contrato por tiempo indeterminadob'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequios por db'/xc3/xad'as especialesb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Referidosb'/xe2/x80/xa2'Dias Free
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En YELb'/xc2/xa0'Solutions nos encontramos en bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un perfil Access Management SSR zona: CABA Chacarita para sumarse a nuestro staff de colaboradores en Argentina. b'/xc2/xa0' Modalidad: Hibrida (4 home 1 presencial) Lugar: CABA Chacarita Horario: L a V 9 a 18hsGuardia Pasiva: 1 semana al mes b'/xc2/xa0' REQUISITOS: - Experiencia: +2 ab'/xc3/xb1'os b'/xc2/xa0' CONCIMIENTOS Tb'/xc3/x89'CNICOS -Conocimiento de herramientas Office -Manejo de herramientas de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de tickets (incidentes) - Conocimiento en Jira serb'/xc3/xa1' un plus -Conocimientos de MS Outlookb'/xc2/xa0' -Conocimientos de procesos de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de incidentes -Creacib'/xc3/xb3'n de usuarios en AD, asignacib'/xc3/xb3'n de permisos sobre usuarios, carpetas y directorios-Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de identidades y accesosb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'- excluyente - Firewall, Fortinet, MS Teams, Windows 10 AMS para: b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Active Directory b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Azure AD / Microsoft Entra IDb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Autenticacib'/xc3/xb3'n de mb'/xc3/xba'ltiples factores (MFA) b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Exchange y O365 b'/xe2/x80/xa2' GitHub / Linux b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Aplicaciones internas b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'FUNCIONES Y RESPONSABILIDADES -Se dedicarb'/xc3/xa1' a la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de altas, bajas y modificaciones de perfiles de usuarios en varias plataformas del cliente -Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n de Identidades y Accesos de sistemas. -Coordinacib'/xc3/xb3'n de pruebas de Continuidad Operativas de sistemas. Revisib'/xc3/xb3'n, correccib'/xc3/xb3'n y generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de instructivos y procedimientos tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicosb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'Seguimiento de incidentes pendientes b'/xc2/xa0' QUE OFRECEMOS b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plan de salud corporativo cerrado y exclusivo. Sin cargo para vos y tu familia b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plataforma de beneficios y descuentos corporativos (Cursos y certificaciones, idiomas, gimnasios, gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria y otros)b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Club de Beneficios b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Asistencia al Empleado b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Contrato por tiempo indeterminado b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequios por db'/xc3/xad'as especiales b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programa de Referidos b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Dias Free
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En Ecosistemas estamos en busqueda de un Service Management Office Analyst, para sumarse al equipo de uno de nuestros clientes.Responsable de garantizar una experiencia de usuario b'/xc3/xb3'ptima en Finning a nivel global mediante la auditorb'/xc3/xad'a y monitoreo de calidad (QA) de incidentes y problemas de TI, asb'/xc3/xad' como la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de proveedores de soporte de TI.Principales Responsabilidades:b'/xc2/xa0'- Control de Calidad de Incidentes de TI (60%): Auditorb'/xc3/xad'a de incidentes y problemas, asegurando el cumplimiento de procesos, estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de Finning, tiempos de respuesta y niveles de servicio (SLA).- Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de Incidentes Mayores (15%): Liderar la ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'n de incidentes crb'/xc3/xad'ticos, definir planes de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n y asistir a los lb'/xc3/xad'deres durante el proceso.- Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de Conocimientos y Procesos (15%): Control y actualizacib'/xc3/xb3'n de bases de conocimiento y procesos de soporte para distintos niveles.- Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de Solicitudes de Servicio (10%): Enrutamiento y control de solicitudes de usuarios a travb'/xc3/xa9's de ServiceNow, garantizando la eficiencia en la asignacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Competencias Clave:- Adaptacib'/xc3/xb3'n a las necesidades del cliente y foco permanente en su satisfaccib'/xc3/xb3'n.- Impulsar un sentido de urgencia y calidad, alineado con los objetivos de Finning.- Proponer soluciones que mejoren la experiencia del usuario.- Manejo proactivo de situaciones difb'/xc3/xad'ciles con enfoque en el cliente.Habilidades y Conocimientos Especb'/xc3/xad'ficos:- Dominio avanzado de plataformas ITSM (preferible: ServiceNow, PagerDuty, System Center Incident Manager).- Experiencia en gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de reportes ITSM, comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n efectiva y liderazgo de equipos.- Inglb'/xc3/xa9's avanzado (oral y escrito), conocimientos avanzados de Microsoft y metodologb'/xc3/xad'a ITIL.Requisitos de Educacib'/xc3/xb3'n y Experiencia:- Estudios en Informb'/xc3/xa1'tica o afines (terciarios o universitarios).- Experiencia en supervisib'/xc3/xb3'n de atencib'/xc3/xb3'n al cliente, gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de procesos de TI y QA en experiencia de usuario.Horario: Lunes a viernes de 8:30hs a 17:30hsModalidad 100% remota. Existe la posibilidad de cambiar a un modelo hibrido de 3 x2.
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
YELb'/xc2/xa0'Solutionsb'/xc2/xa0'seb'/xc2/xa0'encuentrab'/xc2/xa0'enb'/xc2/xa0'bb'/xc3/xba'squedab'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'unb'/xc2/xa0'perfilb'/xc2/xa0'Accessb'/xc2/xa0'Managementb'/xc2/xa0'parab'/xc2/xa0'sumarseb'/xc2/xa0'ab'/xc2/xa0'nuestrob'/xc2/xa0'Staffb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'especialistas.b'/xc2/xa0'Seb'/xc2/xa0'requiereb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'unab'/xc2/xa0'experienciab'/xc2/xa0'mb'/xc3/xad'nimab'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'+2b'/xc2/xa0'ab'/xc3/xb1'os.b'/xc2/xa0'Enb'/xc2/xa0'esteb'/xc2/xa0'casob'/xc2/xa0'buscamosb'/xc2/xa0'unab'/xc2/xa0'personab'/xc2/xa0'conb'/xc2/xa0'conocimientosb'/xc2/xa0'enb'/xc2/xa0'seguridadb'/xc2/xa0'informb'/xc3/xa1'ticab'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'Accessb'/xc2/xa0'Management SRb'/xc2/xa0'(Alta,b'/xc2/xa0'baja,b'/xc2/xa0'modificacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'usuarios) Modalidad:b'/xc2/xa0'Hibridob'/xc2/xa0'-b'/xc2/xa0'1b'/xc2/xa0'diab'/xc2/xa0'oficinab'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'4b'/xc2/xa0'home Horariob'/xc2/xa0'Lb'/xc2/xa0'ab'/xc2/xa0'Vb'/xc2/xa0'9hsb'/xc2/xa0'ab'/xc2/xa0'18hs Lugar:b'/xc2/xa0'CABA b'/xc2/xa0' CONOCIMIENTOSb'/xc2/xa0'Tb'/xc3/x89'CNICOSb'/xc2/xa0'Yb'/xc2/xa0'RESPONSABILIDADES Realizar/automatizarb'/xc2/xa0'controlesb'/xc2/xa0'ITb'/xc2/xa0'sobreb'/xc2/xa0'lasb'/xc2/xa0'aplicaciones/sistemasb'/xc2/xa0'crb'/xc3/xad'ticosb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'lab'/xc2/xa0'Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Informarb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'escalarb'/xc2/xa0'losb'/xc2/xa0'desvb'/xc3/xad'osb'/xc2/xa0'identificadosb'/xc2/xa0'enb'/xc2/xa0'lab'/xc2/xa0'ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'controlesb'/xc2/xa0'IT Orientamosb'/xc2/xa0'lab'/xc2/xa0'bb'/xc3/xba'squedab'/xc2/xa0'ab'/xc2/xa0'estudiantesb'/xc2/xa0'ob'/xc2/xa0'graduadosb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'carrerasb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'Sistemasb'/xc2/xa0'y/ob'/xc2/xa0'afines. Fieldb'/xc2/xa0'serversb'/xc2/xa0'(permisosb'/xc2/xa0'porb'/xc2/xa0'ADb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'carpetas) Radius Ensobradob'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'contraseb'/xc3/xb1'as Crowsrtrike -Administracib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'Officeb'/xc2/xa0'365 -Of365b'/xc2/xa0'(b'/xc2/xa0'generacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'reportes,b'/xc2/xa0'armadosb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'dashboard,b'/xc2/xa0'generacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'documentacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0')b'/xc2/xa0'-b'/xc2/xa0'Teamsb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'sharedpoint -Activeb'/xc2/xa0'Directoryb'/xc2/xa0'(b'/xc2/xa0'abmb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'usuarios,b'/xc2/xa0'policyb'/xc2/xa0'group,b'/xc2/xa0'carpetasb'/xc2/xa0'compartidasb'/xc2/xa0')b'/xc2/xa0'EXCLUYENTE -Azure -SAPb'/xc2/xa0'(b'/xc2/xa0'deseableb'/xc2/xa0'parab'/xc2/xa0'abm,b'/xc2/xa0'asignacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'roles,b'/xc2/xa0') -Vpnb'/xc2/xa0'(b'/xc2/xa0'Ciscob'/xc2/xa0') -Conocimientob'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'herramientasb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'registracib'/xc3/xb3'n b'/xc2/xa0' QUEb'/xc2/xa0'OFRECEMOS b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Modalidadb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'trabajob'/xc2/xa0'hibrida b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Planb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'saludb'/xc2/xa0'corporativob'/xc2/xa0'cerradob'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'exclusivo.b'/xc2/xa0'Sinb'/xc2/xa0'cargob'/xc2/xa0'parab'/xc2/xa0'vosb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'tub'/xc2/xa0'familia b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Plataformab'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'beneficiosb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'descuentosb'/xc2/xa0'corporativosb'/xc2/xa0'(Cursosb'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'certificaciones,b'/xc2/xa0'idiomas,b'/xc2/xa0'gimnasios,b'/xc2/xa0'gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a,b'/xc2/xa0'indumentariab'/xc2/xa0'yb'/xc2/xa0'otros) b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Clubb'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'Beneficios b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequiob'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Contratob'/xc2/xa0'porb'/xc2/xa0'tiempob'/xc2/xa0'indeterminado b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Obsequiosb'/xc2/xa0'porb'/xc2/xa0'db'/xc3/xad'asb'/xc2/xa0'especiales b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Programab'/xc2/xa0'deb'/xc2/xa0'Referidos b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Diasb'/xc2/xa0'Free b'/xe2/x80/xa2'Tiendab'/xc2/xa0'Molinos
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Santiago del Estero (Santiago del Estero)
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Fintech Global certificada en Argentina, Mb'/xc3/xa9'xico, Uruguay, Colombia y Panamb'/xc3/xa1' como Great Place to Work, con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 30 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en el mercado y presente en mb'/xc3/xa1's de 100 pab'/xc3/xad'ses brindando productos y soluciones para comercios, procesamiento de medios de pagos buscando la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital de los medios de pago. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Poseer autonomb'/xc3/xad'a, capacidad para trabajar en equipo y establecer prioridades.Fuertes habilidades interpersonales y dotes de liderazgo. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: 4 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en posiciones similares.Experiencia trabajando con procesos ITIL.Experiencia en soporte de aplicaciones e infraestructuras de TI.Experiencia utilizando Service Now.Experiencia en el sector de pagos y/o financiero | Deseable.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's intermedio oral y escrito. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Vas a trabajar en la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de incidentes, cargar los tickes y evaluar la criticidad.Vas a liderar los esfuerzos de restauracib'/xc3/xb3'n durante incidentes crb'/xc3/xad'ticos, coordinando recursos tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos de mb'/xc3/xba'ltiples equipos. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' Trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's en el equipo de Direccib'/xc3/xb3'n de Infraestructura Global de la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Las herramientas con las que se trabajarb'/xc3/xa1' serb'/xc3/xa1'n: Sistema de tickets Service Now. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's bajo una modalidad hb'/xc3/xad'brida, de lunes a jueves de manera presencial en las oficinas de Parque Patricios y viernes homeoffice. Cuentan con un esquema de guardias pasivas.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Prepaga para el/la empleado/a y grupo familiar.Db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles de vacaciones.Db'/xc3/xad'a de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os libre.Cursos y capacitaciones.Descuentos en gimnasios.Beneficio de almuerzo en oficina.Bono anual. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's una primera entrevista con nuestra Recruiter, Lorena Dos Santos Moraes, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Posteriormente participarb'/xc3/xa1's de una entrevista con nuestro cliente pudiendo conocer al equipo de HR y luego una instancia tb'/xc3/xa9'cnica con la lb'/xc3/xad'nea.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Tenemos una nueva propuesta laboral para vos. Importante compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a dedicada a venta de servicios y consultorb'/xc3/xad'a del rubro IT, se encuentra en la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un Especialista en IAM, con experiencia laboral comprobable, para desempeb'/xc3/xb1'arse en uno de nuestros clientes.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'Qub'/xc3/xa9' desafb'/xc3/xad'os te esperan:b'/xc2/xa0'Asegurar y favorecer la continuidad operativa.Disminuir el backlog priorizando y automatizando depuracib'/xc3/xb3'n y mantenimiento estable.Ayudar a los usuarios con las herramientas para gestionar y restablecer sus contraseb'/xc3/xb1'as de forma segura.Trabajar con Compliance y Auditorb'/xc3/xad'a para asegurar la asignacib'/xc3/xb3'n a los usuarios b'/xc3/xba'nicamente los permisos necesarios para realizar su trabajo.Asegurarle al cliente el cumplimiento normativo con las regulaciones y estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de seguridad aplicables GDPR, HIPAA o PCI DSS, segb'/xc3/xba'n corresponda.Interactuar en todo lo necesario con el liderazgo designado por el cliente para el monitoreo de actividad del usuario con el objecto detectar comportamientos inusuales o actividad sospechosa.Requisitos del puesto:b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'Experiencia en tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as IAM, como sistemas de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de identidades, autenticacib'/xc3/xb3'n multifactor, SSO (Single Sign-On), gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de privilegios, entre otros.Conocimientos de seguridad de la informacib'/xc3/xb3'n, incluyendo cifrado, autenticacib'/xc3/xb3'n, autorizacib'/xc3/xb3'n, auditorb'/xc3/xad'as de seguridad y gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de riesgos.Comprensib'/xc3/xb3'n de cb'/xc3/xb3'mo se integran los sistemas IAM con otros componentes de infraestructura de TI, como aplicaciones, bases de datos, servicios en la nube y redes.Capacidad de evaluar riesgos, identificar vulnerabilidades y proponer medidas de mitigacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Experiencia en regulaciones y estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de seguridad relevantes, como GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, entre otros, y ser capaz de asegurar el cumplimiento de estos requisitos en el b'/xc3/xa1'mbito IAM.b'/xc2/xa0'✅Ofrecemos:b'/xc2/xa0'Buen clima laboralDesarrollo profesionalDb'/xc3/xad'a libre por cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'osb'/xc2/xa0'Descuentos importantes en Educacib'/xc3/xb3'n IT y mb'/xc3/xa1's.b'/xc2/xa0'Modalidad de trabajo: Remota 100%Jornada laboral: Domingo a jueves de 23 a 07 hsb'/xc2/xa0'Buscamos profesionales con actitud proactiva, capacidad para la resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de conflictos, con marcada orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n al cliente y a resultados. Con excelentes habilidades para comunicarse de manera oral y escrita.b'/xc2/xa0'Si estb'/xc3/xa1's en la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un cambio en tu carrera que sume a tu perfil profesional y crees que tu perfil hace match con nosotros no dudes en postularte.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa1'Te esperamos!b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
IT Integration Program Manager, full time (EEUU)Leading multinational company in the manufacturing of medical devices, based in Danvers, USA, is looking for an IT Integration Program Manager. We are seeking a seasoned Program Manager with a minimum of 10 years of experience in overseeing complex IT projects to complete the IT Integration. The ideal candidate will excel in strategic planning, team leadership, and successful project execution within the IT domain. This candidate should have experience in managing complex acquisitions/mergers and divestures. Skills Strong influencing and partnering skills to coordinate resources within IT.Self-starter with the ability to work through ambiguity.Make decisions and take timely independent action.Lead, collaborate, challenge, and influence peers, subordinates, and senior management.Work under pressure and tight timelines.Facilitate cross-functional meetings to resolve issues promptly.Build win-win solutions across business and IT.Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including explaining IT strategies and financials to IT leaders.Preferred multi-functional experience in Commercial, Supply Chain, Rb'&'D, Infrastructure (Technology Services), and ISRM (Information Security b'&' Risk Management) and supporting IT functions. Responsibilities Inherit and lead an integration program from Jb'&'J Acquisitions b'&' Divestitures team, forming a new team and completing the program in 2025. This role will oversee approximately multiple Project Managers. Strategic Planning: Develop and implement strategic initiatives aligned with organizational goals, focusing on effective IT project portfolio management.Team Leadership: Lead and inspire cross-functional teams, fostering collaboration and ensuring project success.Portfolio Management: Oversee the IT project portfolio, aligning with business objectives and optimizing resource allocation.Risk Management: Identify and mitigate project and portfolio risks, maintaining project integrity.Dependency Management: Manage dependencies across the portfolio, ensuring seamless project coordination.Stakeholder Communication: Establish clear communication channels with stakeholders, providing regular updates and addressing concerns. Develop strong relationships with Technical Product Managers and Owners.Budget Management: Manage the budget of all the program effectively.b'/xc2/xa0' Requirements Minimum 10 years of proven experience as a Program Manager in IT project and portfolio management.In-depth understanding of IT project management, agile methodologies, and portfolio management best practices.Degree in a related field such as Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Administration, or a similar discipline.Strong leadership skills with a track record of motivating teams to achieve project goals.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Results-oriented mindset, consistently delivering successful project and portfolio outcomes.Experience in managing ~$10MM budgetsMust be in the Abiomed Danvers, MA 3 days/weekApply online!
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Vicente López (Buenos Aires)
Job Summary:We are looking for a highly organized and results-oriented IT Project Manager to oversee the planning, execution, and delivery of technology projects within our organization. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of IT systems, project management methodologies, and business needs, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within scope, and on budget. This role requires excellent communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills to drive cross-functional teams toward project success.Key Responsibilities:Project Planning and Initiation: Collaborate with stakeholders to define project scope, objectives, and success criteria.Develop comprehensive project plans, including timelines, budgets, resource allocation, and risk assessments.Identify and procure necessary resources, including personnel, software, and equipment.Execution and Monitoring: Lead and coordinate cross-functional teams to ensure successful project execution.Monitor project progress, manage timelines, and address deviations or delays.Use project management tools (e.g., Microsoft Project, Jira, Trello) to track deliverables and milestones.Facilitate regular status meetings and provide updates to stakeholders and senior management.Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop mitigation plans to minimize impact on project goals.Proactively resolve issues and escalate challenges when necessary.Stakeholder Communication and Documentation: Act as the primary point of contact between technical teams and business stakeholders.Ensure clear communication of project requirements, progress, and changes.Maintain detailed project documentation, including requirements, designs, test cases, and post-project reviews.Delivery and Post-Implementation Support: Oversee testing, quality assurance, and deployment of IT solutions.Ensure a smooth transition to operational teams, including training and knowledge transfer.Conduct post-project evaluations to assess success and identify areas for improvement. Qualifications:Education and Certifications: Bachelorb'/xe2/x80/x99's degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field.Project management certifications such as PMP, PRINCE2, or Certified Scrum Master (CSM) are highly desirable.Experience: 3b'/xe2/x80/x93'5 years of experience managing IT projects, including software development, infrastructure upgrades, and system integrations.Proven experience with Agile, Scrum, or Waterfall project management methodologies.Hands-on experience with IT systems, applications, or cloud platforms is a plus.Skills and Competencies: Strong understanding of IT infrastructure, software development lifecycle (SDLC), and business processes.Proficiency with project management tools like Microsoft Project, Jira, or Smartsheet.Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills for managing cross-functional teams.Exceptional organizational, problem-solving, and multitasking abilities.Strong communication skills to effectively engage with technical teams and non-technical stakeholders.b'/xc2/xa0'Excellent contracting conditions are offered
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Locations*: Buenos Aires, Argentina, is preferable; other locations are in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain, Serbia (Belgrade), Czechia (Prague), Ukraine, Portugal.Type of work: Remote, full-timeWe are seeking a Senior SRE engineer to join a team that works on a complex distributed architecture, spanning physical machines - and virtualizing on-prem host/cloud computing.The role is to help set up centralized DevOps and help existing teams adopt more centralized best practices. The ideal candidate will have the ability to manage complexity and tackle problems across multiple stack layers as a part of a small team championing operational excellence.Our environment is relaxed yet intellectually intense. Our teams are lean and agile, which means rapid prototyping of products with immediate user feedback. We seek people who think in code, aspire to solve undiscovered computer science challenges, and are motivated by being around like-minded people. In fact, of the 600 employees globally, approximately 500 of them code daily.Job (Project) DescriptionThe customer develops and deploys systematic financial strategies across a variety of asset classes and global markets. We seek to produce high-quality predictive signals (alphas) through our proprietary research platform to employ financial strategies focused on exploiting market inefficiencies. Our teams work collaboratively to drive the production of alphas and financial strategies b'/xe2/x80/x93' the foundation of a sustainable, global investment platform.Key Responsibilities:Architecture and Automation: Design and deploy As-A-Service solutions using open-source software to automate system management, scaling, and monitoring.System Optimization: Develop tools to streamline deployment, monitoring, and incident management for large-scale, distributed environments.Collaboration Across Teams: Work with development and operations teams to design and implement software solutions that enhance the overall reliability of services. Contribute to the ongoing DevOps and Agile transformation.Monitoring b'&' Incident Response: Set up, configure, and maintain monitoring and alerting systems to ensure real-time visibility into system performance. Participate in on-call rotations to respond to incidents and mitigate downtime.CI/CD b'&' Infrastructure Management: Continuously improve CI/CD pipelines using tools like GitLab, Helm, Terraform, and Ansible, ensuring fast, safe, and reliable deployments.Container Orchestration: Leverage container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes (K8S) to manage distributed systems at scale. Experience with Slurm or similar cluster management is a plus.Cloud and Automation Tools: Use cloud infrastructure (AWS, GCP, etc.) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools to automate the provisioning and scaling of resources.Key Skills and Requirements:Linux Systems: Deep expertise and hands-on experience working with Linux-based systems, with a focus on optimization and troubleshooting.Python Proficiency: Strong skills in Python for scripting, automation, and system management.Containerization b'&' Orchestration: In-depth knowledge of container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes (K8S). Experience with other cluster management tools like Slurm is a plus.Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Hands-on experience with tools like Helm, Terraform, and Ansible to manage infrastructure in a scalable and automated way.Container Technologies: Strong working knowledge of Docker, Podman, or other containerization systems to enable efficient and consistent deployment.CI/CD Pipelines: Experience working with CI/CD tools, especially GitLab (preferred), GitHub, or Git, to ensure smooth and rapid delivery cycles.Monitoring b'&' Logging: Experience with monitoring and logging solutions such as Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK stack to provide comprehensive insights into system performance and health.Relational Databases: Understanding of relational databases, their performance tuning, and management in distributed systems.Agile Development: Familiarity with Agile development methodologies, with a focus on continuous improvement and collaboration.Cloud Experience: Exposure to cloud technologies such as AWS or Google Cloud (GCP) is a strong plus.Collaboration b'&' Communication: A team-first attitude with excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, able to work collaboratively with peers across the organization.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Somos IT Patagonia, un equipo que brinda soluciones en la industria del conocimiento con impacto positivo. Llevamos 30 ab'/xc3/xb1'os liderando procesos de evolucib'/xc3/xb3'n tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gica brindando soluciones para potenciar el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y el desarrollo de las personas que las componen. Queremos ser una mejor empresa para el mundo y sabemos que los mejores resultados se alcanzan de manera colaborativa. Por eso crecemos, innovamos y evolucionamos juntos. Estamos reforzando el equipo y buscamos un Service Delivery Manager que se sume a la comunidad de IT Patagonia. #Bepatagonian. ESTUDIOS Y CONOCIMIENTOS:b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Nivel acadb'/xc3/xa9'mico: Egresado o Estudiante de carreras afines con Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a en Sistemas, Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a Informb'/xc3/xa1'tica o Programacib'/xc3/xb3'n (Excl).b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos y/o experiencia en metodologb'/xc3/xad'as Agiles, preferentemente Kanban.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Idioma: inglb'/xc3/xa9's (Lectura/Escritura/Habla) Nivel intermedio o superior (Deseable).b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos y/o experiencia en procesos de patching-fixing y/o resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de vulnerabiliades Multiplataforma (Deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos y/o experiencia en scripting y/o automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n Multiplataforma (Deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos y/o experiencia en WSUS o BMC Tooling (Discovery - CMDB / TrueSight Vulnerability Management / TrueSight Server Automation / Client Management) o similar (Deseable)EXPERIENCIA LABORAL:b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Experiencia relevante en una organizacib'/xc3/xb3'n de desarrollo o entrega de software trabajando en equipos b'/xc3/xa1'giles, como Scrum Master, Product Owner o Team Lead, preferentemente conocimientos en metodologb'/xc3/xad'a Kanban.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Comprensib'/xc3/xb3'n completa de los principios, valores y prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas b'/xc3/xa1'gilesb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Fuertes habilidades de colaboracib'/xc3/xb3'n y facilitacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Las certificaciones b'/xc3/xa1'giles son deseablesncarias. - No excluyenteb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Se prefiere conocimiento del negocio bancario y/o tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as afines - No excluyenteb'/xc2/xa0'CONOCIMIENTOS TECNICOS:b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Manejo de scripting y/o automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n (Ej: powershell, Python, Bash, Java, Perl, PHP, Go) (Deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos y/o experiencia en WSUS / SUSE SUMA / BMC Tooling (Discovery - CMDB / TrueSight Vulnerability Management / TrueSight Server Automation / Client Management) o similar (Deseable).b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Uso de Herramientas de colaboracib'/xc3/xb3'n y metodologb'/xc3/xad'as b'/xc3/xa1'giles.- No excluyente -b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Identificar requisitos de seguridad para despliegue o migracib'/xc3/xb3'n en o a la nube, requisitos de redundancia y alta disponibilidad basados en necesidades del clienteb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos de automatizacion.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n escrita y verbalIDIOMA:Idioma: inglb'/xc3/xa9's (Lectura/Escritura/Habla) Nivel intermedio o superior (Deseable)DESCRIPCION DE TAREAS:b'/xe2/x80/xa2' El SDM Kanban ayuda a los equipos del SQUAD a trabajar juntos de manera eficiente y rb'/xc3/xa1'pida. En esencia, este es un rol de gestib'/xc3/xb3'n/coordinacib'/xc3/xb3'n de servicios que facilita y apoya a los equipos Agile en la entrega de soluciones. Contribuirb'/xc3/xa1' a crear un entorno en el que la mejora continua del proceso de resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n y gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de Vulnerabilidades multiplataforma.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Deberb'/xc3/xa1' facilitar la eliminacib'/xc3/xb3'n de impedimentos para los equipos y gestionar el escalamiento adecuadob'/xe2/x80/xa2' Coaching de mejora continua dentro del equipo y apoyo con el uso de mb'/xc3/xa9'tricasb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Coordinar con otros a nivel de equipo y definir los entregablesb'/xe2/x80/xa2' En particular estamos conformando una cb'/xc3/xa9'lula para la gestib'/xc3/xb3'n e implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n del proceso (Identificacib'/xc3/xb3'n, anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis de alternativas/impacto, diseb'/xc3/xb1'o de la solucib'/xc3/xb3'n, implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de la Remediacib'/xc3/xb3'n, prueba controlada y validacib'/xc3/xb3'n, delivery/deploy) de patching y/o resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de vulnerabilidades de las plataformas de la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a (Windows, Linux-Unix, Virtual), utilizando herramientas de automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n y/o gestib'/xc3/xb3'n del proceso.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' El perfil buscado es el del SDM (Service Delivery Manager) que serb'/xc3/xa1' responsable de mejorar la eficiencia del flujo de trabajo, centrb'/xc3/xa1'ndose en aumentar la velocidad de entrega y ser capaz de hacer un seguimiento de las mb'/xc3/xa9'tricas de flujo y traducirlas en conocimientos procesables.b'/xc2/xa0' Somosb'/xc2/xa0'#empresaB, comprometidos con un sistema econb'/xc3/xb3'mico que beneficia al planeta y a todas las personas. Fomentamos una cultura inclusiva porque consideramos que la diversidad agrega valor a todo lo que hacemos. Queremos que todas las personas se sientan parte y generamos un espacio basado en la colaboracib'/xc3/xb3'n, la pluralidad, la diversidad y la innovacib'/xc3/xb3'n continua. Queremos ser protagonistas en una sociedad mb'/xc3/xa1's responsable, justa e integrada.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa1'Sumate a esta experiencia!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Progres S.A. is looking to fill a Service Manager role in a multinational company. The main objetive of this role is overseeing and optimazing the delivery of the IT services on the Americas region. b'/xc2/xa0' Qualifications: b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Proven and vast experience in IT Service Management. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Strong understanding of ITIL framework, especially in the areas of Service Operations. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Strong interpersonal skills. Able to communicate clear and concise in Crysis Situations. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Have significant experience in at least two of the core Service Management areas b'/xe2/x80/x93' Incident, Problem, Change and Configuration Management. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive process improvements. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Certification in ITIL, Agile, or related areas is a major plus. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Project Management experience may be considered an advantage. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Fluent English b'/xc2/xa0' Excellent benefits are offered including health insurance, lunch card, internet, Friday flex, Bonus and other nice ones.
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Rosario (Santa Fe)
We are hiring an Ecommerce Account Manager with fluent spoken English to join for an award winning US ecommerce agency with specialization and partnerships with Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, Shopify and Klaviyo among others.If you consider yourself someone eager to develop, learn, and be part of an agile, fast paced, and open environment, don't hesitate and apply for this vacancy!- Responsabilities:* Manage clients and collaborate in the strategy to grow their revenues.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'* Delivery requested work and the accounting of hours/effort required to get paid.* Pay great attention to detail (read very carefully) a high level of organization, strong communication/perception skills and project management experience.b'/xc2/xa0'* Intensive use of platforms like Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce or Shopify, as well as ESPs such as Klaviyo, DotDigital and Hubspot.* Multitask and shuffle competing priorities in a fast pace environment without constant direction from leadership* Organize projects monthly tasks, time management and clients budgets* This position is 100% remote, but candidates must be available to work in one of the US time zones.* Minumum Qualifications:- + 2 years of Ecommerce management experience - the more hands-on the better- Familiarity with Customer Lifecycle Marketing executed through email and SMS- + 2 years of Project Management experience with development team or other areas- Able to multitask and shuffle competing priorities in a fast pace environment without constant direction from leadership- Excellent oral and written English communication skills- Relentlessly high standards and high attention to detail- Empathic and Selfdriven - able to understand clients goals and expectations and provide the information they need to understand our effort and valueb'/xc2/xa0'*Preferred Qualifications- Experience with Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, or Shopify- Experience with one or more of the Customer Lifecycle Marketing tools like Klaviyo, DotDigital, Listrak or Hubspot- Digital marketing experience and training - funnels, value proposition development- Familiarity with CRO and A/B testing- Spanish skills a plus* Benefits:- Fully remote position from monday to friday- Minimum of 6 working hours between 8am - 6pm (Pacific Time)- 12 vacation days per year- 10 paid holidays per year b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Summary/Mission: Perform tasks in all phases of the development cycle with little or none technical supervision. Appropriately assess problematic situations to gain adequate understanding of problems involved and assume the responsibility of delivering complex tasks on time and in scope within the teamb'/xe2/x80/x99's plan. Responsibilities: Work with the team to design for the performance, capacity and high availability of infrastructure and services Participate in problem resolution activities; Troubleshoot issues across the entire stack - software, database and infrastructure.Diagnose and troubleshoot complex distributed systems handling large volumes of data and develop solutions that have a significant impact at scale.Participate in building advanced tooling for testing, monitoring, administration and operations of multiple clusters across multiple geographically distributed data centersDevelop innovative ways to smartly measure, monitor b'&' report application and infrastructure healthExperience improving the performance of micro-services and solve scaling/performance issuesDefine and Monitor SLI/SLO Error BudgetsDrive efficiencies in systems and processes: capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring and root cause analysis. RequisitosRequirements / Experience: Creative when solving problems and continuously seeking improvements for processes and solutions facilitate knowledge sharing by creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation b'&' diagramsWrite high quality code to deliver automated solutions across the entire stack.Translate a passion for improvement into design b'&' roadmap contributions, despite existing technical challengesPartner with the Engineering community to establish metrics, review b'&' sign off on changes and introduce new services and schema changesStrong team player with a high degree of self-motivationAbility to learn new systems b'&' manage additional technical resources to meet the project requirementsCollaborate with development teams on best practices and infrastructure planning activities with a focus on reliability, performance and security3+ years of hands-on experience with cloud computing - including infrastructure, storage, platforms and data management, preferably in AWS.Experience with container orchestration technologies, like Docker b'&' KubernetesHands-on experience on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.Hands-on experience with Github Actions.Preferred Qualifications BS degree in computer science or proven software engineering capabilityExperience with traditional enterprise data-center technologies, including compute, storage appliances, virtual machines, and networkingExperience managing Databases: MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, or PostgreSQLExperience working with scalable networking technologies such as Load Balancers/Firewalls and web standards (REST APIs,, web security mechanisms, OWASP top 10).Broader Integration and management experience of DevOps ecosystems and relatedDeployment/orchestration tools such as Helm, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory3+ years of experience in Linux Systems and general programming/scripting (Python, Shell, Java, Golang) and automation frameworks.Able to identify the root cause and resolve critical issues by looking across multiple layers (storage, OS, network, and application / DB stack)Play a part in incident management and emergency response b'/xc2/xa0' Location: LATAM USD Pay
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En Paradigma, compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a nacional lb'/xc3/xad'der en el mercado de la consultorb'/xc3/xad'a en Management, Procesos, Tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a y Personas, buscamos sumar perfiles que se desarrollen en el b'/xc3/xa1'rea digital de un importante cliente: b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' Sr Data Engineers ETL b'/xc2/xa0' ALGUNAS RESPONSABILIDADES b'/xc2/xa0' Actividades de arquitectura de datos, procesos ETL, documentacib'/xc3/xb3'n de fuentes y modelado de datos sobre el Modelo Lb'/xc3/xb3'gico de industria financiero Teradata.Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de la demanda e implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de data b'&' analytics, data management y campaing management.Funciones de optimizacib'/xc3/xb3'n de la calidad de datos y procesos.Identificar puntos de dolor actuales y soluciones a desarrollar.Automatizacib'/xc3/xb3'n y orquestacib'/xc3/xb3'n del ciclo de vida de los datos y la implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de campab'/xc3/xb1'as en diferentes canales.Integrar fuentes a la arquitectura de datos con diferentes formatos, estructurados y no estructurados.Desarrollar, mantener y optimizar modelos predictivos.Actividades de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n del analytics con las acciones comerciales optimizando los KPI's del negocio.Desarrollo y evolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de la capa dimensional y explotacib'/xc3/xb3'n de datos visual. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xbf'QUE BUSCAMOS? Sumamos perfiles con muchas ganas de trabajar en equipo, con gran proactividad, apasionados por la tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a e innovacib'/xc3/xb3'n y ganas de investigar y compartir conocimiento.Graduado o estudiante Universitario en carreras orientadas a IT. (Deseable)Poseer experiencia de al menos 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en bases de datos y lenguaje SQL, habib'/xc3/xa9'ndose desempeb'/xc3/xb1'ado comob'/xc2/xa0'Desarrollador ETL, Arquitecto de datos, Data Engineer y/o Analista tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico funcional.Tener como mb'/xc3/xad'nimo 2 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en Cloudera.Contar con conocimientos de Impala, Hive, Kudu, NiFi, Atlas.Conocimientos de Airflow, Python, BigQuery. (Deseable)Conocimientos de BI y Excel avanzados.Buen nivel de inglb'/xc3/xa9's.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Yel Solutions, a leading company IT outsourcing solution, incorporate IT/OT Site Support Technicians to join our team at a cutting-edge production facility.This role is crucial for maintaining operational continuity, with a primary focus on addressing and resolving infrastructure IT/OT issues on-site.Key Responsibilities:IT/OT Infrastructure Management: Administer and maintain critical infrastructure, including:Power Distribution Units (PDUs), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), switches, Access Points (APs), SD-WANs, and firewalls.WAN links, radio communication devices, security cameras, and access control systems.Incident Response: Quickly assess and troubleshoot issues reported by the Production Assistance team, Control Room, or plant operators. Perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and create Post-Mortem reports for major incidents.Change b'&' Incident Management: Plan and execute both routine and emergency changes to the IT/OT infrastructure.Collaboration: Serve as the escalation point for complex technical issues. Support Plant Maintenance Technicians in maintaining industrial automation systems such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), Motor Control Centers (MCCs), Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), and other automation devices.Routine Support: Conduct routine tasks like device replacements, installations, cabling, patch management, and system reboots to maintain peak system performance.Qualifications: Language Skills: While daily communication will be primarily in Spanish, proficiency in English is essential for documenting tickets, expanding the Global Knowledge Base, and collaborating with international teams.Technical Expertise: Proven hands-on experience in installing, administering, and troubleshooting IT/OT infrastructure. Familiarity with the devices listed above is a must.Soft Skills: Strong sense of urgency, structured problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and adherence to established protocols are crucial.Industrial Experience: Experience in industrial or mining environments is highly desirable.Working Conditions: Location: This position is based at a mining camp located 4000 meters above sea level in Salta Province.Roster System: Assignments follow a rotating schedule (e.g., 8 days on-site, 6 days off), subject to change. We provide accommodations, meals, workwear, and transportation to/from Salta city.Work Hours: Typical workdays consist of 12 hours, with a minimum of 12 hours rest between shifts. A passive on-call rotation will be in place to handle major production incidents outside of working hours.What We Offer: Compensation: Competitive salary based on experience and skills.Benefits: Work in a relationship of dependency, indeterminate.Excellent work environment and development opportunitiesPrepaid medicine for the employee and his or her primary family group.Corporate benefits platform (Gym Discounts, languages, etc.).Benefits ClubEmployee Assistance ProgramSpecial Event GiveawaysWe want you to join our team!
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Salta (Salta)
Yel Solutions, a leading company IT outsourcing solution, incorporate IT Support Technicians to join our team at Salta.Reporting directly to the IT Service Desk Superintendent, these roles are crucial for providing user support and maintaining operational continuity, with a primary focus on addressing and resolving infrastructure IT issues.Key Responsibilities:IT Infrastructure Management: Administer and maintain critical infrastructure, including:Power Distribution Units (PDUs), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), switches, Access Points (APs) and firewalls.Security cameras and access control systems.Incident Response: Quickly assess and troubleshoot issues reported by the Service Desk.Change b'&' Incident Management: Plan and execute both routine and emergency changes to the IT infrastructure.Routine Support: Conduct routine tasks like device replacements, installations, cabling, patch management, etc. to maintain service availability and performance.Qualifications: Language Skills: While daily communication will be primarily in Spanish, basic English skills are essential for documenting tickets and collaborating with international teams.Technical Expertise: Proven hands-on experience in installing, administering, and troubleshooting office IT infrastructure.Soft Skills: Strong sense of urgency, structured problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and adherence to established protocols are crucial.Working Conditions: Location: This position is based at Salta city.Work Hours: Mon-Fri 8.00 to 17:00 or 10.00 to 19:00. Passive on-call availability outside of working hours is required to manage critical incidents.What We Offer: Compensation: Competitive salary based on experience and skills. Benefits:Work in a relationship of dependency, indeterminate.Excellent work environment and development opportunitiesPrepaid medicine for the employee and his or her primary family group.Corporate benefits platform (Gym Discounts, languages, etc.).Benefits ClubEmployee Assistance ProgramSpecial Event GiveawaysWe want you to join our team!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Job Description - Responsibilities:b'/xc2/xa0'As a Senior Associate, youb'/xe2/x80/x99'll work as part of a Workday technical team of problem solvers with extensive technical and industry experience, helpingb'/xc2/xa0' solve their complex business issues from strategy to execution. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:● Proactively assist in the management of a portfolio of internal clients, while reporting to Managers and above● Work with business stakeholders and functional product owners to gather business requirements of internal clientb'/xe2/x80/x99's projects● Be actively involved in global standardization through automation and innovation● Contribute to the development of your own and team's technical acumen● Develop Workday integrations according to business requirements● Act as L3 escalation point from Application Management Service (AMS) technical L2 team● Create detailed system integration specifications and data dictionaryAdditional Job Description - Requirements:● Minimum diploma degree in technology or equivalent is required● previous experience in software development work and 2+ years of Workday technical integration experience● Strong communication, presentation and relationship building skills● Experience with iterative or agile software development methodologies● Strong understanding of cloud SaaS architecture principles and integration patterns● Working in a global/virtual team environment● Demonstrating strong background in the areas of Java, Javascript, API (SOAP b'&' REST), XML, XSLT, Xpath, JSON, oAuth 2.0, PGP, mySQL. Nice to have Azure and.NET experience● Prior experience in the following Workday integration technologies○ Workday Studio integration○ Report as a Service○ 3rd payroll integration○ Workday connectors○ Document Transformation b'&' EIB○ Workday API integration in both SOAP and REST○ BIRT report design● Demonstrating familiarity with Workday HCM, Talent Management, Recruiting and Security configuration● Prior experience in delivering complex Workday technical integrations in global deployment environments● Prior hand-on experience with data analysis, PoC, middleware and problem solving● Solid understanding of security and data privacy standards, data governance and integration/development standards and best practices● Workday Certified Integration, Studio and CCTPP Consultants or Integration Pro is preferred. Nice to have Workday Extend experience
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En nuestra empresa nos encontramos en la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de Consultor SAP PS Semi senior para una importante empresa ubicada en Microcentro.La posicib'/xc3/xb3'n requiere contar con al menos 4 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia comprobable, tener un perfil proactivo, analb'/xc3/xad'tico y responsable.Descripcib'/xc3/xb3'n de Tareas: Consultor SAP PS Sr para formar parte de la cb'/xc3/xa9'lula que cubra los procesos logb'/xc3/xad'sticos y de mantenimiento de planta en el contexto del proyecto de implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de S/4HANA. Serb'/xc3/xa1' responsable de implementar el mb'/xc3/xb3'dulo de MRS en S/4HANA para todo el grupo. Es un proyecto grande y complejo realizado en conjunto con SAP.Skills mandatorios: Program Project Management, SAP PM Plant Maintenance.Skills deseados (no mandatorios): Configuration b'&' Realease Management, Design b'&' Build Enablement.Idioma requerido y nivel: Ingles Bb'/xc3/xa1'sicoBeneficios Home Office: Sb'/xc3/xad'Candidatos 100% remoto de otras provincias: Sb'/xc3/xad'Horario de Trabajo: 9am a 18pmLugar de trabajo post pandemia (direccib'/xc3/xb3'n): RemotoEn caso de que consideres que esta bb'/xc3/xba'squeda aplique a tu perfil, envb'/xc3/xad'a tu CV con foto actualizada y remuneracib'/xc3/xb3'n bruta pretendida por el puesto. En caso de aplicar estaremos comunicb'/xc3/xa1'ndonos con vos a la brevedad.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Desde Cb'&'S nos encontramos en la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de un Consultor SAP PM Semi Senior para trabajar dentro de una importante Empresa Multinacional. Buscamos candidatos con experiencia mb'/xc3/xad'nima de 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en funcib'/xc3/xb3'n, ser Estudiante Avanzado o Graduado en la carrera de Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a en Sistemas y/o afines. Tener actitud proactiva, con buenas relaciones interpersonales y gustarle el trabajo de equipo.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' tenes que hacer?Serb'/xc3/xa1's responsable de implementar el mb'/xc3/xb3'dulo de MRS en S/4HANA para todo el equipo de trabajo. Es un proyecto grande y complejo realizado en conjunto con SAP.b'/xc2/xa0'Skills mandatorios: Program Project Management, SAP PM Plant Maintenance.Skills deseados (no mandatorios): Configuration b'&' Realease Management, Design b'&' Build Enablement.Idioma requerido y nivel: Inglb'/xc3/xa9's Bb'/xc3/xa1'sicoModalidad:- Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 18:00 hs. Posibilidad de asistencia presencial eventual en las oficinas del clienteb'/xc2/xa1'Si sos del interior podes trabajar 100% remoto desde tu casa!b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' beneficios podes tener al trabajar con Cb'&'S INFORMb'/xc3/x81'TICA?b'/xc2/xa0'- Revisiones de sueldo como mb'/xc3/xad'nimo dos veces al ab'/xc3/xb1'o.- Licencia por paternidad extendida.- Descuentos en universidades y cursos de idiomas.- Plataforma de capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'n online totalmente gratuita.- Elementos de trabajo a cargo de la empresa.- Reintegro por gastos de internet anexado en el recibo de sueldo.- Regalo y db'/xc3/xad'a de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os libre.- Cuponera de Cb'&'S con descuentos en gastronomb'/xc3/xad'a, indumentaria, cursos y fitness.Si crees que aplicas a este puesto, envb'/xc3/xad'a tu CV actualizado y remuneracib'/xc3/xb3'n bruta pretendida por el puesto. Estaremos evaluando tu perfil y nos comunicaremos con vos a la brevedad.b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
StaffRock IT is looking for a Java Developer SSR/SR​ to collaborate in a company that craft digital experiences that redefine the way businesses operate.-Only for Argentina- What will be your mission?Join customer projects. What are we looking for?b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Languages: Java + Golang (a nice to have).b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Knowledge of AWS: DocumentDB, DynamoDB, EC2, Fargate, Docker, Lambda.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Proficient in Linux environments.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' DBMS: Knowledge of SQL Server and Oracle.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' 3-5 years of REST and SOAP API experience, including testing automation using TestNG or Junit.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Must know Bug Tracking Tools: Bugzilla, Visual Intercept, Jira, etc.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Preferred knowledge on team management software: Atlassian Management Suite,Slack Etc.What we offer?b'/xe2/x80/xa2' 100% remote work.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Salary in USD.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
StaffRock IT is looking for a Java Developer SSR/SR​ to collaborate in a company that craft digital experiences that redefine the way businesses operate.-Only for Argentina- What will be your mission?Join customer projects. What are we looking for?b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Languages: Java + Golang (a nice to have).b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Knowledge of AWS: DocumentDB, DynamoDB, EC2, Fargate, Docker, Lambda.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Proficient in Linux environments.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' DBMS: Knowledge of SQL Server and Oracle.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' 3-5 years of REST and SOAP API experience, including testing automation using TestNG or Junit.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Must know Bug Tracking Tools: Bugzilla, Visual Intercept, Jira, etc.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Preferred knowledge on team management software: Atlassian Management Suite,Slack Etc.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Advanced English.What we offer?b'/xe2/x80/xa2' 100% remote work.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Salary in USD.
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