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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We areb'/xc2/xa0'hiring ab'/xc2/xa0'Software Engineer/ DevOpsb'/xc2/xa0'to join ourb'/xc2/xa0'Site Operationsb'/xc2/xa0'team.b'/xc2/xa0' You will work as an individual contributor delivering exceptional customer experiences and leading the implementation of critical features to accelerate the delivery of our clientb'/xe2/x80/x99's products b'/xe2/x80/x93' both on the web and mobile. You will have daily exposure to a range of technical challenges and customer experiences which will stretch and develop your technical and leadership skills. You are a problem solver who has a passion for technology and crazy about providing attention to details. So, if you are a motivatedb'/xc2/xa0'professionalb'/xc2/xa0'looking to join a collaborative, close-knit team, drop us a line. You might be a perfect fit! Impact you will make in the role: Find new opportunities to develop software that adds value to the customer business. You can lead these projects to a successful implementation!Implementation of new monitoring systems for infrastructure, microservices, and applications.Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software.Continuously refine monitoring processes, thresholds, and configurations, using your logic and understanding of systems.Set up a new CI/CD workflow to automate the creation of new monitoring.Promote best practices of software engineering and software design patterns in a newly created team. You can leave your mark in the way we work!Create and maintain documentation on installations, incidents, and procedures.Perform system wide analysis to ensure the proposed solution is the best-in-class without causing any negative impact. You will be: Developing your monitoring skills by thinking how and where we should monitor, log, automate, and develop new solutions to manage the information of a website with more than 60k requests per minute.Mentoring and guiding a newly created team to follow the best practices in the industry in order to achieve the best solutions for the customer needs.Interacting with Cloud Services from AWSWorking on large scale and distributed systems.Troubleshooting over different systems and applications.Looking to automate tasks in order to reduce toil and increase engineering work. Expertise you will bring in: Minimum qualifications: Experience in the field of Computer Science (we wonb'/xe2/x80/x99't ask you to write an insertion sort pseudocode from memory or analyze time-complexity of Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, because you already know that
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Somosb'/xc2/xa0'IT Patagonia, un equipo que brinda soluciones en la industria del conocimiento con impacto positivo. Llevamos 30 ab'/xc3/xb1'os liderando procesos de evolucib'/xc3/xb3'n tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gica brindando soluciones para potenciar el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y el desarrollo de las personas que las componen. Queremos ser una mejor empresa para el mundo y sabemos que los mejores resultados se alcanzan de manera colaborativa. Por eso crecemos, innovamos y evolucionamos juntos.Estamos reforzando el equipo y buscamosb'/xc2/xa0'unb'/xc2/xa0'Software Engineer Sr que se sume a la comunidad de IT Patagonia. #Bepatagonianb'/xc2/xa0'Skills tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicos excluyentes: Experiencia comprobable de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os con PHP, Node.js, AWS, Docker, Metodologb'/xc3/xad'as b'/xc3/x81'giles.Principales responsabilidades:● Colaborar con equipos multifuncionales para recopilar y analizar requisitos y traducirlos en especificaciones tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicas y diseb'/xc3/xb1'os.● Diseb'/xc3/xb1'ar, desarrollar y mantener aplicaciones de software sb'/xc3/xb3'lidas y escalables utilizando PHP, Node.js y otras tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as relevantes.● Implementar cb'/xc3/xb3'digo eficiente y seguro que siga las mejores prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de la industria y estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de codificacib'/xc3/xb3'n.● Realizar pruebas y depuraciones exhaustivas para garantizar la calidad y rendimiento del software.● Colaborar con equipos de Infra para implementar y mantener aplicaciones en AWS infraestructura.● Orientar y brindar orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n tb'/xc3/xa9'cnica a ingenieros jb'/xc3/xb3'venes, promoviendo intercambio de conocimientos y aprendizaje continuo.● Optimice las aplicaciones de software para obtener el mb'/xc3/xa1'ximo rendimiento y escalabilidad.Requisitos:● Licenciatura o Maestrb'/xc3/xad'a en Ciencias de la Computacib'/xc3/xb3'n, Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a de Software, o un campo relacionado. Con conocimientos avanzados en algoritmos,● Experiencia comprobada (mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os) como ingeniero de software, con enfoque en PHP y desarrollo de Node.js.● Gran dominio de PHP, Node.js y TypeScript, con una profunda comprensib'/xc3/xb3'n de sus respectivos ecosistemas y marcos (por ejemplo, Laravel, Symfony, Express.js, Yarn, Composer, APCu, etcb'/xe2/x80/xa6').● Amplio conocimiento de los servicios de AWS y experiencia en diseb'/xc3/xb1'o, crear y mantener aplicaciones escalables en AWS. Incluyendo SQS, SNS, Cognito y Lambdas.● Comprensib'/xc3/xb3'n sb'/xc3/xb3'lida de las metodologb'/xc3/xad'as de prueba de software, incluida la unidad, pruebas de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n y marcos de pruebas automatizadas (por ejemplo, PHPUnit, Mockery, Mocha, Jest).● Conocimiento sb'/xc3/xb3'lido de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as de contenedores como Docker y Docker.● Competencia para trabajar con bases de datos, tanto relacionales (por ejemplo, MySQL, PostgreSQL) y NoSQL (por ejemplo, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch).● Familiaridad con los patrones de diseb'/xc3/xb1'o y principios arquitectb'/xc3/xb3'nicos a desarrollar cb'/xc3/xb3'digo mantenible y extensible.● Fuertes habilidades para resolver problemas y la capacidad de depurar.● Sb'/xc3/xb3'lida experiencia en optimizacib'/xc3/xb3'n de cb'/xc3/xb3'digo, consultas de bases de datos y herramientas de pruebas de estrb'/xc3/xa9's para rendimiento y escalabilidad.● Excelentes habilidades de trabajo en equipo y comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n, con capacidad de colaborar eficazmente con equipos multifuncionales.● Un enfoque proactivo y motivado para aprender y mantenerse actualizado con tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as emergentes y tendencias de la industria.Habilidades preferidas:● Experiencia con tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as de contenerizacib'/xc3/xb3'n y orquestacib'/xc3/xb3'n, como Kubernetes.● Conocimiento de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as front-end como HTML, CSS y JavaScript marcos (por ejemplo, React, Angular, Vue.js).● Familiaridad con metodologb'/xc3/xad'as y herramientas de desarrollo b'/xc3/xa1'gil (p. ej., Scrum, JIRA).● Comprensib'/xc3/xb3'n de las canalizaciones de CI/CD y herramientas relacionadas (por ejemplo, Bash, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD).● Experiencia con herramientas de optimizacib'/xc3/xb3'n y supervisib'/xc3/xb3'n del rendimiento (p. ej., Nuevas Reliquia, Datadog).b'/xc2/xa0'Somos #empresaB, comprometidos con un sistema econb'/xc3/xb3'mico que beneficia al planeta y a todas las personas. Fomentamos una cultura inclusiva porque consideramos que la diversidad agrega valor a todo lo que hacemos. Queremos que todas las personas se sientan parte y generamos un espacio basado en la colaboracib'/xc3/xb3'n, la pluralidad, la diversidad y la innovacib'/xc3/xb3'n continua. Queremos ser protagonistas en una sociedad mb'/xc3/xa1's responsable, justa e integrada. b'/xc2/xa1'Sumate a esta experiencia!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Acerca de Cb'&'SSomos una empresa lb'/xc3/xad'der de tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 38 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de presencia en el mercado IT. Brindamos soluciones a organizaciones que buscan aumentar su productividad y eficiencia construyendo relaciones de honestidad y transparencia tanto con nuestros clientes como con nuestro equipo de trabajo, con quienes compartimos y valoramos la pasib'/xc3/xb3'n por la tecnologb'/xc3/xad'a.b'/xc2/xa0'Skills mandatoriosExperiencia como Software Engineer, Software Designer y domain modelerExperiencia de 2+ ab'/xc3/xb1'os cumpliendo la funcib'/xc3/xb3'n de Software/Solution Architect en alguna de las verticales del negocio Financiero/Bancario (BIAN)Experiencia de al menos 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os como developer en tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as como Java, Spring, Jenkins, (y/u otras tools y frameworks Java, Angular, React, etc), GO, Node o Phyton.Experiencia/conocimiento en APIs, plataforma de microservicios, microfronts, patrones, datos, sistemas de mensajerb'/xc3/xad'a y eventos y modelos de Seguridad/IAM/Autenticacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Conocimiento de bases de datos (RDS, DynamoDB, Oracle, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, otras).Conocimiento deseable de API Managers. -Conocimiento de metodologb'/xc3/xad'as b'/xc3/xa1'giles y gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de proyectos.b'/xc2/xa0'Skills Deseables (no mandatorios): Conocimientos de servicios de contenedores/Kubernetes (EKS, OCP, ECS) y comunicaciones (mesh, ngnxt, etc).Conocimiento deseable de API Managers.Conocimiento de metodologb'/xc3/xad'as b'/xc3/xa1'giles y gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de proyectos. Conocimiento de metodologb'/xc3/xad'a DevOps.Conocimientos de los principios de QA.Ownership, Comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n efectiva y learning Agility.Nivel de Inglb'/xc3/xa9's: B1/B2 no excluyente.b'/xc2/xa0'Beneficios Revisiones salariales mb'/xc3/xad'nimas 4 veces al ab'/xc3/xb1'oEntrega de equipo de trabajoRegalo y db'/xc3/xad'a de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os libreReintegro por gastos de servicios (internet, luz) en compensacib'/xc3/xb3'n en el recibo de sueldoLicencia por paternidad extendidaDescuentos en universidades y cursos de idiomasPlataforma de capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'n online totalmente gratuita con certificacib'/xc3/xb3'n internacional.Cuponera de Cb'&'SCobertura mb'/xc3/xa9'dica (redireccib'/xc3/xb3'n del aporte)b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa1'Si buscas un lugar en donde puedas crecer profesionalmente y crees que tu perfil coincide con las caracterb'/xc3/xad'sticas que estamos buscando, no dudes en enviarnos tu CV!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
BACKEND JAVA SOFTWARE ENGINEER b'/xc2/xa0' Para importante Banco De LATAM, estamos en la bb'/xc3/xba'squeda de desarrolladoras backend Java sr Nuestro objetivo principalb'/xc2/xa0' es desarrollar soluciones que ofrezcan excelencia en servicios financieros, acompab'/xc3/xb1'ados de una experiencia asombrosa para nuestros clientes. Siempre nos mantenemos inmersos en la investigacib'/xc3/xb3'n y formacib'/xc3/xb3'n constante en las b'/xc3/xba'ltimas tendencias tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicas a nivel global, con el propb'/xc3/xb3'sito de integrarlas de manera innovadora en nuestra Transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n Digital. Colaboramos estrechamente con el negocio para garantizar la entrega de productos y servicios de la mb'/xc3/xa1's alta calidad. b'/xc2/xa0' Requisitos:b'/xc2/xa0' Estudios de la carrera de Ing. de Sistemas o afines.Experiencia + 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os desarrollando soluciones backend Java (versib'/xc3/xb3'n 8 y 11 excluyente)b'/xc2/xa0'Programacib'/xc3/xb3'n reactiva.Experiencia desarrollando APISb'/xc2/xa0' (Open API y Swagger Hub) /microservicios y/o componentes de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n (webservices, servicios rest).Spring-boot, spring-framework y spring cloudManejo de buenas prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de programacib'/xc3/xb3'n.Sistemas de control de versiones distribuido Git.b'/xc2/xa0'Patrones de arquitectura.b'/xc2/xa0'Test Driven Development b'/xe2/x80/x93' TDD. (Deseable)Implementacib'/xc3/xb3'n de Web services (SOAP, XML, WSDL).b'/xc2/xa0'Persistencia de datos (Hibernate, JPA, spring-data etc).Desarrollo de componentes y librerb'/xc3/xad'as en Java.b'/xc2/xa0'Conocimiento de Maven(nivel intermedio) o Gradle(nivel intermedio).b'/xc2/xa0'Framework de pruebas unitarias. (Junit, Lombok, Mockito)b'/xc2/xa0'Conocimiento en Herramientas de CI (Jenkins, Git Hub, Sonarqube, Nexus y Maven).Conocimiento de Docker, contenedores y cluster de contenedores (Kubernetes). Uso de componentes en la nube (servicios Azure: API Gateway, AKS, ACR, LogicApps, FunctionApps, Storage Account, Azure KeyVault, etc).b'/xc2/xa0' (Deseable)Uso de base de datos relacionales como SQL u Oracle.b'/xc2/xa0'Uso de base datos no relacionales como Cassandra, Cosmos o MongoDB. (Deseable).b'/xc2/xa0' Principales responsabilidadesb'/xc2/xa0' Crear y dar mantenimientos a las aplicaciones del Banco, las mismas que son construidas en base a los requisitos del negocio. Hoy en db'/xc3/xad'a estamos orientados a la transformacib'/xc3/xb3'n digital con el fin de que nuestros clientes realicen sus operaciones de manera mb'/xc3/xa1's simple y segura.Desarrollar componentes tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicos que tengan un nivel de disponibilidad b'/xc3/xb3'ptimo.Resolver las necesidades del negocio enfocados en dar la mejor experiencia a los usuarios a travb'/xc3/xa9's del desarrollo de componentes de integracib'/xc3/xb3'n (apis/microservicios).
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Beneficios: 100% remotoSalario en USDBono seguro de saludBono gastos de almuerzo e internetConvenio con Payoneer (No paga comisib'/xc3/xb3'n)17 db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles off al ab'/xc3/xb1'o (Pagos)Feriados localesLong term Job Qualifications / Skill Requirements: Bachelor's Degree (B.A.) or equivalent four-year degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related fieldExperience as Software Developer/SDET/Test Automation Engineer5-7 years of proven experience working in a Test Automation role or similar capacityExperience in automation of services/API software layers (e.g. UI, services, APIs, etc.) and debugging, and optimizing applications/ automated test scriptsAbility to programmatically test your own codeb'/xc2/xa0'Minimum understanding of design patterns, data structures, and layered architecture with knowledge of applying those aspects in test environmentsb'/xc2/xa0'Knowledge or experience in other languages/tools - VueJS, AngularJS, Protractor, Jasmine, JavaScript, JMeter, UFT/QTP, etc.Advanced programming skills in automation systems and databasesAccurate Knowledge of CI/CD technologies (e.g. Jenkins, Git, Maven, etc.)Detailed knowledge of application functions, bug fixing, and testing protocolsAbility to assess needs, influence, collaborate, deliver, and partner with the most senior levels in the organizationDemonstrated knowledge of testing best practices, version control practices, and defect management practicesStrong experience in stress testing scalable high-volume applications that handle millions of requests.Proficient with service automation and automation framework development.Ability to build collaborative, trustworthy relationships across functions and geographiesExperience with Agile/SCRUM methodology and how Testing functions with itProfessional experience using cybersecurity and open-source technologyExperience and ability to use coding languages (e.g. Python, Typescript, Selenium, webdriver,Java, JavaScript) and frameworks/systems (e.g. AngularJS, Git)Knowledge and ability to develop, maintain, and execute API automated tests.Outstanding collaboration and communication skills are essentialExperience developing secure software systems based upon industry specificationsExperience analyzing code for weaknesses and errors and presenting detailed plans to improve themExperience developing customized code for multiple projects simultaneouslyAbility to learn new languages and technologies is strongly preferred The Roleb'/xc2/xa0' Software Development Engineer in Test SDET is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of automated test solutions, and for helping to deliver the quality and performance of our different software products. Incumbents of this position must possess extensive experience in programming languages as well as modern testing tools, should be able to write and support automated testing solutions for multi-tiered applications, and are hands-on and self-motivated engineers who can work collaboratively in a continuous integration environment. Proper and successful execution of this role will involve fluency in test automation frameworks, attention to detail, understanding of business processes, unwavering dedication to software quality, and working closely with Software Development Engineers to understand a complex domain and product.b'/xc2/xa0' What You'll Do As the Software Development Engineer in Test, you will be responsible for the following: Designs, develops, maintains, and troubleshoots automated suites of tests through continuous integration for value-added feedbackTakes ownership of deep learning about our software, its functions, how it fulfills our customers' needs, and how they use the productWorks with the engineering teams to derive testing requirements throughout the development cycle.Work alongside architecture, engineering, and design teams to assess for defects and discuss verification protocolsb'/xc2/xa0'Develop and implement ideas for automated software test proceduresb'/xc2/xa0'Interpret, build upon, and comply with company Testing strategy and standardsb'/xc2/xa0'Find, record, and track bugs, and perform thorough documentation of Test process activities with internal reporting and auditsb'/xc2/xa0'Develop new standards for production and design, with improvements as needed, and create testing protocols for implementation across all service linesOversee pre-production acceptance testing to ensure the high quality of a companyb'/xe2/x80/x99's services and productsAssesses and understands the flow of code and its interaction with various processesEvaluate specifications, requirements, and technical design documents to provide prompt and valuable feedbackDesign, develop, and execute automation scripts using open-source tools and implement software applicationsPursue continuing education on new solutions, technology, and skills.b'/xc2/xa0'Takes ownership of deep learning about our software, its functions, and how it fulfills our customers' needs and how they use the product Cultivate new business relationships, maintain existing business relationships with customers and partners Responsibilities / Duties / Tasks: Monitor risk-management procedures, and maintain and analyze problem logs and bug reports to identify and report recurring issues to management and product development.Build robust, scalable, and highb'/xe2/x80/x93'quality test automation solutions for functional, regression, and performance testing.Develop code for quality automation and ensure extensive unit test coverage of the codeMonitor/review debugging process resultsPerform reviews of automation code.Analyze and investigate product complaints or reported quality issues to ensure closure in accordance with company guidelines and external regulatory requirementsAnalyze production/service limitations against standards and recommend revisions ofspecifications where necessary.Troubleshoot the system and identify software application weaknesses and target areasLiaise with the technology and product departments in coordinating procedures to address any deficiencies.Monitor production quality performance to identify opportunities for improvement, and carry out maintenance of quality files, procedures, and work instructions for proper adherence to quality systems.Ability to give, receive, and implement feedback and constructive criticismb'/xc2/xa0'Have a positive and energetic attitude and make efforts to maintain/improve moraleBuild collaborative, trustworthy relationships across a range of styles, functions, geographies, and cultures to form networks within and outside the companyb'/xc2/xa0'Develop and maintain strong organizational astuteness and agilitySelf-directed, including: manages time, proactively seeks work opportunity, supports the department and software needs, proactively seeks and pulls work, delivers on daily projects tasks, communicates with team - has a strong sense of urgency and engagement of projects and timely delivery.Focuses on work while at work, stays engaged, attentive and proactive and eliminates distractions (cell phone, internet, long breaks, distractions, etc)Expand the capabilities of the framework to support the completion of automated tests against different testing environments and also develop automated component tests to validate component behavior.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Progres SA is looking for a full-stack Software Engineer with hands-on experience on both backend b'&' frontend.b'/xc2/xa0'The candidate should have strong knowledge of Clojure, Java, or JavaScript, as well as be familiar with AWS cloud services.b'/xc2/xa0'5-7 years of proven experience working in a similar role.b'/xc2/xa0'Hands on experience developing microservices. Using Serverless framework is a huge plusAWS experience with services such as lambdas, S3, Rabbitmq, etc.b'/xc2/xa0'Deep understanding of ES6/Javascript and strong experience working with modern web frameworks such as VueJs and/or React. (VueJS, which we use, and Typescript are a plus).b'/xc2/xa0'Working knowledge of open-source databases and data stores. (Think MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcache, Redis, ElasticSearch).b'/xc2/xa0'Experience designing and integrating RESTful APIs.b'/xc2/xa0'Knowledge of modern version control systems such as Git.b'/xc2/xa0'Advanced level of English is required.Contractor mode.Full time b'&' remote position.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xa1'Tenemos una oportunidad para vos!b'/xc2/xa0' En Experis Argentina nos encontramos evaluando candidatos para asumir como Software Security Engineer para trabajar en empresa lb'/xc3/xad'der en autenticacib'/xc3/xb3'n, trazabilidad y servicios logb'/xc3/xad'sticos de activos fb'/xc3/xad'sicos financieros.Modalidad hb'/xc3/xad'brida - CABAb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' Principales responsabilidades: Colaborar con equipos multifuncionales para integrar los controles de seguridad mb'/xc3/xa1's avanzados en cada paso, desde el diseb'/xc3/xb1'o, el desarrollo y la garantb'/xc3/xad'a de calidad hasta el mantenimiento de los sistemas.Descubrir, evaluar y notificar vulnerabilidades y escalar los problemas si es necesario.Revisar, identificar puntos db'/xc3/xa9'biles y proponer mejoras en arquitecturas y diseb'/xc3/xb1'os de sistemas.Desarrollar y promover las mejores prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de seguridad y patrones de diseb'/xc3/xb1'o y arquitectura entre los equipos de ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a.Analizar los resultados de diferentes herramientas, pentests y apoyar el desarrollo de tuberb'/xc3/xad'as DevSecOpsDesarrollar y mantener herramientas/scripts para ayudar a los equipos a lograr prb'/xc3/xa1'cticas de codificacib'/xc3/xb3'n segurasColaborar con los propietarios de productos y las partes interesadas del negocio para priorizar y evaluar las tareas relacionadas con la seguridad.Supervisar los b'/xc3/xba'ltimos avances en seguridad del sector, analizar el impacto y trabajar con los equipos para mitigar los riesgos. b'/xc2/xa0' Requisitos: Titulacib'/xc3/xb3'n universitariaCertificaciones activas del sector de la seguridad, como OSCP, como gran ventaja.b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'Mb'/xc3/xa1's de 2 ab'/xc3/xb1'os de experiencia en ciberseguridad, desarrollo de software u operaciones de TI.Experiencia en SAST y DASTb'/xc2/xa0'Experiencia con Pentest es una ventajaExperiencia en programacib'/xc3/xb3'n de software, preferiblemente Java o PythonExperiencia en herramientas de Infraestructura como cb'/xc3/xb3'digo, preferiblemente Terraform y Ansibleb'/xc2/xa0'Conocimientos bb'/xc3/xa1'sicos de bases de datos relacionales, por ejemplo, Oracle, SQL Server y PostgreSQLSb'/xc3/xb3'lidas aptitudes interpersonales, comunicativas y docentesb'/xc2/xa0'Gran capacidad analb'/xc3/xad'ticaPasib'/xc3/xb3'n por la excelencia y voluntad de convertirse en un jugador clave del equipoCapacidad multitarea, autodireccib'/xc3/xb3'n, gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de plazos y orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n al trabajo en equipo.Inglb'/xc3/xa9's avanzado b'/xc2/xa0' Beneficios: Bono para almuerzo (meal allowance)Db'/xc3/xad'a libre de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os20 db'/xc3/xad'as hb'/xc3/xa1'biles de vacacionesGym pass y otros beneficios de descuentos b'/xc2/xa0' En ManpowerGroup promovemos una cultura inclusiva y diversa basada en el respeto y en la igualdad de oportunidades.b'/xc2/xa0' [Ley 6471/2021 - Bb'/xc3/xba'squeda laboral equitativa: El empleador sb'/xc3/xb3'lo podrb'/xc3/xa1' solicitarle la informacib'/xc3/xb3'n estrictamente necesaria para el desempeb'/xc3/xb1'o en el trabajo que se ofrece.]b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' Te damos algunas recomendaciones para corroborar la veracidad de nuestras bb'/xc3/xba'squedas: https://bit.ly/Recomendaciones-Avisos-Laboralesb'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on Real Estate. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in machine learning or data science and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 3 years of experience working as a Machine Learning Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3 years of experience with Python or R. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with Machine Learning Frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch). ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with deep learning is a plus. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Fullstack Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on a dating app. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in Node, React Native, and TypeScript and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 5 years of experience working with Node.js. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 5 years of experience with React Native. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TypeScript. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with Apollo or NestJS is a plus b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Hello there! We are Devlane, a software development company with presence across all of LATAM, thatb'/xe2/x80/x99's currently offering staff augmentation services to clients around the world, with a special focus in North America. b'/xc2/xa0'With us, youb'/xe2/x80/x99'll have a real opportunity to shine and leave a footprint on the project you are assigned to since most of our clients are modern small/medium businesses with growing success that are looking to add core members to their team. This also means that you will stay up to date with the latest technology trends. Our values are simple: we create a collaborative environment and we strive for long relationships in which you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your teammates. Join a company thatb'/xe2/x80/x99's always adding new talent to its ranks every day In this opportunity, we are seeking ab'/xc2/xa0'FullStackb'/xc2/xa0'Engineer for a remote full-time position for one of our clients in the United States. What do we require from you? ✔ +4b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience inb'/xc2/xa0'JavaScript ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+3 years of experience inb'/xc2/xa0'Node.js ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working withb'/xc2/xa0'HTML, CSS, DOM ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year of experience working with or building HTTP APIs ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year of experience working with some sort of SQL / NoSQL DB ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year leading a team of engineers Some of our Perks ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote Position.b'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 paid days per year for you to relax. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8 Working hours per day, with flexible working hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware: Laptop, mouse b'&' headphones
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' Here, you will be able to: Be part of a company that is on constant growth.Reinforce your skills on Node.jsPropose ideas in order to improve the process. What do we require from you? Minimum of 5 years of experience working with as ab'/xc2/xa0'Backend Engineer.At least 3 year of experience withb'/xc2/xa0'Node.js.b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working with AWSExperience working with React.js is a plus. Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' Here, you will be able to: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Be part of a company that is in constant growth. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Reinforce your skills in DevOpsb'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Propose ideas to improve the process. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum of 4 years of experience as a DevOps Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in AWS, Azure, or GCP. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience implementing CI/CD pipelines. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Familiarity with Terraform, CloudFormation, or Pulumi. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with Linux and network administration b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Here, you will be able to: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Be part of a company that is in constant growth. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Reinforce your skills inb'/xc2/xa0'Data Engineeringb'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Propose ideas to improve the process. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum ofb'/xc2/xa0'5b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience working as ab'/xc2/xa0'Data Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At leastb'/xc2/xa0'5b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience with SQL. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working with Python. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working withb'/xc2/xa0'Airflow and Snowflake. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Sr. QA Manual Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on immersive experiences by merging virtual and physical realities. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient inb'/xc2/xa0'Mobile testing, TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira, Xrayb'/xc2/xa0'and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 4b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience working with Manual QA. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience as a Mobile QA for iOS. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira and Xray. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Progres SA is looking for a QA Automation Engineer with hands-on experience on design, development, and maintenance of automated test solutions, and for helping to deliver the quality and performance of our different software products..b'/xc2/xa0'Experience as Software Developer/SDET/Test Automation Engineerb'/xc2/xa0'5-7 years of proven experience working in a Test Automation role or similar capacityb'/xc2/xa0'Experience in automation of services/ API software layers (e.g. UI, services, APIs, etc.) and debugging, and optimizing applications/ automated test scriptsKnowledge or experience in other languages/tools - VueJS, AngularJS, Protractor, Jasmine, JavaScript, JMeter, UFT/QTP, etc.b'/xc2/xa0'Advanced programming skills in automation systems and databasesb'/xc2/xa0'Accurate Knowledge of CI/CD technologies (e.g. Jenkins, Git, Maven, etc.)b'/xc2/xa0'Detailed knowledge of application functions, bug fixing, and testing protocolsb'/xc2/xa0'Proficient with service automation and automation framework development.b'/xc2/xa0'Experience and ability to use coding languages (e.g. Python, Typescript, Selenium, webdriver, Java, JavaScript) and frameworks/systems (e.g. AngularJS, Git)b'/xc2/xa0'Knowledge and ability to develop, maintain, and execute API automated tests.b'/xc2/xa0'Advanced level of English is required.Contractor mode.Full time b'&' remote position.
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