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Team building

Listado top ventas team building

Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
En StaffRock IT nos encontramos sumando a nuestro team un Project Manager SR para colaborar con un importante cliente lb'/xc3/xad'der en Argentina en emergencias mb'/xc3/xa9'dicas prehospitalarias.-Solo para Argentina- b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'l serb'/xc3/xa1' tu misib'/xc3/xb3'n?Sumarte al equipo de nuestro cliente y ser el responsable de liderar y gerenciar varios proyectos de desarrollo; estimando los resultados, plazos y calidad.b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' buscamos?Quien ocupe la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n deberb'/xc3/xa1' contar con sb'/xc3/xb3'lidos conocimientos en: Metodologías de desarrollo de sistemas (ágiles, no ágiles). Conocimiento de Scrum/UML/TDD/IC.Diseño Estructurado de Sistemas y Proceso Unificado de Desarrollo de Software..Manejo de lenguajes de programación orientados a las necesidades de los proyectos.Conocimientos de ambientes de desarrollo.Conocimiento de análisis y diseño de bases de datos.Actividades de Liderazgo (Team Building) / Project ManagementConocimientos deseables: Especializacib'/xc3/xb3'n o Certificaciones en Project management, Gerenciamiento de Proyectos o similar. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecemos?b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Estabilidad laboralb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Excelente clima de trabajo.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Acompab'/xc3/xb1'amiento durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Modalidad Full Time - Remota.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Lb'/xc3/xad'der regional en desarrollo y mantenimiento de soluciones informb'/xc3/xa1'ticas busca sumar a su equipo de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 300 profesionales un Administrador de Redes y Servidores Senior. Descripcib'/xc3/xb3'n del puesto: b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Diseb'/xc3/xb1'ar, implementar, administrar y mantener los equipos de las b'/xc3/xa1'reas de servidores y comunicacionesb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Resolver en tiempo y forma segb'/xc3/xba'n los SLA definidos sobre los casos que se le asigne reportados en la aplicacib'/xc3/xb3'n de tickets.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Asegurar la disponibilidad de la infraestructura de servidores, redes y servicios.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Controlar el cumplimiento de backups/restore en equipos.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Asegurar la aplicacib'/xc3/xb3'n de parches de seguridad en toda la Infraestructurab'/xe2/x80/xa2' Mantener comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n con el resto del equipo y b'/xc3/xa1'reas colaborativasb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Proporcionar soporte interno y externo al cliente respecto a servidores, aplicaciones y redes.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Asegurar que los servicios internos sean utilizados eficientemente y garantizar que los objetivos de calidad de servicio sean cumplidosb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Proponer mejoras para el funcionamiento de la infraestructurab'/xe2/x80/xa2' Administrar Active Directory, DHCP.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Mantener la documentacib'/xc3/xb3'n actualizada y cumplir con los estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares de ISO 9001.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Configurar los programas y los dispositivos y asistir en instalacib'/xc3/xb3'n/configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n en nuevas aplicaciones requeridas.b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Garantizar la disponibilidad y confiabilidad del sistema de backupb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Hacer seguimiento de casos asignados por el sector y documentarlos en la herramienta homologada (GLPI)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Documentar la instalacib'/xc3/xb3'n de nuevas aplicaciones y mejorar la documentacib'/xc3/xb3'n existenteb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Participacib'/xc3/xb3'n en guardias pasivas de soporte a clientes. Skills tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicos solicitados: b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Certificacib'/xc3/xb3'n CCNAb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Sb'/xc3/xb3'lidos conocimientos en administracib'/xc3/xb3'n plataforma Windows (certificacib'/xc3/xb3'n MCSE deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n y administracib'/xc3/xb3'n de switch y firewallsb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos de configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n Cisco, Fortinet y Mikrotikb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Sb'/xc3/xb3'lidos conocimientos en Modelos OSI y TCP/IPb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Manejo de direccionamiento y Encapsulacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en medios de cobre, fibra b'/xc3/xb3'ptica y Wirelessb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en diseb'/xc3/xb1'o de redes LAN y WANb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as y estb'/xc3/xa1'ndares Wireless. Seguridad WEP, WPA, WPA2b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en aplicaciones de monitoreob'/xe2/x80/xa2' Creacib'/xc3/xb3'n y configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n de rutas, VPN, VLANS, tb'/xc3/xba'neles IPSECb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en telefonb'/xc3/xad'a IPb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n y configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n avanzada en LINUXb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n y configuracib'/xc3/xb3'n de aplicacib'/xc3/xb3'n de seguimiento de tickets (preferentemente GLPI) o al menos conceptos deuna herramienta similarb'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en base de datos MS-SQL (deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimiento en UNIX (deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Conocimientos en SharePoint (deseable)b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Experiencia en Seguridad Informb'/xc3/xa1'tica BENEFICIOS:*Lugar de trabajo: Actualmente trabajamos en un esquema mixto presencial/remoto.*Horario: 9:00 a 18:00 hs.*Modalidad de contratacib'/xc3/xb3'n: Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia. Medicina prepaga Omint Vacaciones Flex Trabajo Remoto Almuerzo a cargo de la compab'/xc3/xb1'ia Capacitaciones permanentes Clases de ingles Pausa activa Desayunos saludables, Viernes de medialunas, picadas para compartir After Office Fiesta de fin de ab'/xc3/xb1'o Team Building Licencias extendidas de paternidad Licencia por cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os 4 db'/xc3/xad'as anuales por tramites Regalos y atenciones Programa de referidos Te ayudamos en tu carrera
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Lb'/xc3/xad'der regional en desarrollo y mantenimiento de soluciones informb'/xc3/xa1'ticas busca sumar a su equipo de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 300 profesionales un Analista Programador Java Backend Senior. *Funciones:-Participar en el anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis, diseb'/xc3/xb1'o y desarrollo de soluciones tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicas-Participar en el anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis, diseb'/xc3/xb1'o y desarrollo de soluciones tb'/xc3/xa9'cnicas-Experiencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones Java WEB-Experiencia en frameworks como GWT o similares *Skills tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicos solicitados:-Conocimientos avanzados de arquitecturas basadas en microservicios.-Conocimientos de desarrollo de aplicaciones en la nube usando AMAZON WS, Windows Azure osimilares.-Docker.-Spring Framework, Boot, Security.-TDD, Unit Testing (JUnit).-Protocolo REST, SOAP, haber trabajado con swagger, postman o similires.-Manejo de GIT.-Experiencia de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en Hibernate-Experiencia de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en SQL.-HTML5, CSS, JS.-Experiencia en desarrollo con Angular o frameworks similares basados en Typescript. (Deseable)-Experiencia en desarrollo de Aplicaciones mobile para IOS, Android, utilizando Apache Cordova (Deseable) -Experiencia en Microservicios. BENEFICIOS: *Modalidad de contratacib'/xc3/xb3'n: Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia. HIBRIDA dos db'/xc3/xad'as de presencialidad y tres db'/xc3/xad'as de home office. Medicina prepaga Omint Vacaciones Flex Almuerzo a cargo de la compab'/xc3/xb1'ia Capacitaciones permanentes Clases de ingles Pausa activa Desayunos saludables, Viernes de medialunas, picadas para compartir After Office Fiesta de fin de ab'/xc3/xb1'o Team Building Licencias extendidas de paternidad Licencia por cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os 4 db'/xc3/xad'as anuales por tramites Regalos y atenciones Programa de referidos Te ayudamos en tu carrera
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Lb'/xc3/xad'der regional en desarrollo y mantenimiento de soluciones informb'/xc3/xa1'ticas busca sumar a su equipo de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 300 profesionales un Desarrollador Frontend Semi Senior. Skills tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicos solicitados:-Interpretacib'/xc3/xb3'n de requerimientos funcionales.-Anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico en conjunto con el equipo para la resolucib'/xc3/xb3'n de la funcionalidad.-Desarrollo de app para dispositivos mb'/xc3/xb3'viles Android y iOS utilizando React Native.-Experiencia en consumo de APIs Rest.-Prueba en diferentes dispositivos.-Desarrollador mobile React Native. BENEFICIOS: *Modalidad de contratacib'/xc3/xb3'n: Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia. HIBRIDA dos db'/xc3/xad'as de presencialidad y tres db'/xc3/xad'as de home office. Medicina prepaga Omint Vacaciones Flex Almuerzo a cargo de la compab'/xc3/xb1'ia Capacitaciones permanentes Clases de ingles Pausa activa Desayunos saludables, Viernes de medialunas, picadas para compartir After Office Fiesta de fin de ab'/xc3/xb1'o Team Building Licencias extendidas de paternidad Licencia por cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os 4 db'/xc3/xad'as anuales por tramites Regalos y atenciones Programa de referidos Te ayudamos en tu carrera
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xa0' Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a Lb'/xc3/xad'der regional en desarrollo y mantenimiento de soluciones informb'/xc3/xa1'ticas busca sumar a su equipo de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 300 profesionales un Analista Tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico Funcional SSR/SR *Funciones requeridas: -Relevamiento y anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis general de las necesidades de usuarios.-Definir los requerimientos de usuario.-Recepcib'/xc3/xb3'n y anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis de requerimientos internos y externos sobre nuevos desarrollos, oactualizaciones de los productos del b'/xc3/xa1'rea.-Anb'/xc3/xa1'lisis de factibilidad de los requerimientos, en conjunto con otras b'/xc3/xa1'reas involucradas.-Generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de la documentacib'/xc3/xb3'n en UML.-Definicib'/xc3/xb3'n de Casos de Prueba sobre los requerimientos planificados.-Asistencia funcional al desarrollo y Diseb'/xc3/xb1'o.-Certificacib'/xc3/xb3'n de pruebas sobre los componentes desarrollados. Skills tecnolb'/xc3/xb3'gicos solicitados: -UML.-Capacidad para sintetizar grandes volb'/xc3/xba'menes de informacib'/xc3/xb3'n y comunicar eficazmente (deseable)-Metodologb'/xc3/xad'a de desarrollo Scrum (deseable)-Conocimientos bb'/xc3/xa1'sicos de lenguajes de programacib'/xc3/xb3'n (deseable)-Conocimientos de Base de datos relacionales y SQL (deseable)-Enterprise Architect o similar (deseable) *Estudios: Estudiantes o graduados en Administracib'/xc3/xb3'n de Empresas, Ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a enSistemas, o afines*Experiencia requerida: 3 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en puestos similares BENEFICIOS: *Modalidad de contratacib'/xc3/xb3'n: Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia.HIBRIDA dos db'/xc3/xad'as de presencialidad y tres db'/xc3/xad'as de home office. Medicina prepaga Omint Vacaciones Flex Almuerzo a cargo de la compab'/xc3/xb1'ia Capacitaciones permanentes Clases de ingles Pausa activa Desayunos saludables, Viernes de medialunas, picadas para compartir After Office Fiesta de fin de ab'/xc3/xb1'o Team Building Licencias extendidas de paternidad Licencia por cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os 4 db'/xc3/xad'as anuales por tramites Regalos y atenciones Programa de referidos Te ayudamos en tu carrera b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Tech Background? Like helping customers?Support Specialist Wanted for our Success Team!b'/xc2/xa0'About Us b'/xc2/xa0'Appenate is a Brisbane-based SaaS company, building a leading business applications platform, aimed at the IT channel and enterprise.b'/xc2/xa0'Our growing customer base spans over 40 countries, which we support via an integrated team anchored out of Australia, South Africa, and Latin America to improve time-zone coverage for our users.b'/xc2/xa0'We've embraced the concept of a distributed company, with all team members working either from home (or the beach, mountains, cafe, whatever).b'/xc2/xa0'Twice a year we fly everyone to an interesting place for a week so that we can work together and hang out face-to-face (pandemics aside!).b'/xc2/xa0'The Opportunityb'/xc2/xa0'Be part of a lean, agile, and exciting team that is globally focused and working with cutting-edge mobile and cloud technologies.b'/xc2/xa0'Being a small company, we expect all team members to learn fast and play at a high level.b'/xc2/xa0'To join us, you need to be self-starting, disciplined and able to communicate well.b'/xc2/xa0'We are looking for applications from anywhere in Argentina. Fluent in English and Spanish (both written and spoken) is required.b'/xc2/xa0'We connect and communicate via online tools, so you'll be in regular contact with the whole team. You'll also be provided with whatever equipment you need to be productive.b'/xc2/xa0'This role offers an opportunity for you to learn and grow as the company expands, and you'll be working with smart, driven people that are building world-beating software.b'/xc2/xa0'Role b'&' Requirementsb'/xc2/xa0'Our platform is used by customers ranging from SMEs to the IT channel (software vendors, solution providers, system integrators, enterprise IT departments)b'/xc2/xa0'We're looking for someone that loves helping customers solve problems and enjoys showing folks how to get the most out of our platform.Key requirements:IT Diploma or DegreeExcellent English and Spanish, both written and spoken (you'll be in contact with customers from around the world, so English is critical)Experience in software implementation, cloud service configuration, solutions consulting and/or IT customer supportSelf-starter with proactiveness, enthusiasm, flexibility, and motivation b'/xe2/x80/x93' able to work effectively without regularly needing to be told what to doExperience in technical writing (support guides, knowledgebase etc)Diligence in all work aspects, and strong attention to detailAbility to find answers unassisted and to learn rapidlySoftware development experience or training is advantageousA very good, reliable internet connection for customer and internal communicationsb'/xc2/xa0'Duties will include: Developing an expert-level understanding of the Appenate platform and offeringManaging incoming support tickets and questions, ensuring that customers receive timely responses and progress updatesInvestigate and replicate customer issues (deep analysis into technical issues)Replicating customer issues and collaborating with our developers to resolveProvide high-quality, descriptive written answers to customer ticketsPerforming product testing when neededAuthoring of tutorials and other learning content as neededAdministering our online helpdesk and knowledgebaseAd hoc training with customers via web meetingSalary starts at USD $1,800 (per month) and will increase based on your experience, fit, and performance going forward.b'/xc2/xa0'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are looking for a Sr Salesforce Developer to join our team! The project is within the Digital Agriculture industry and is based in San Francisco, CA. The team develops a platform that examines weather, soil and field data to help farmers determine potential yield-limiting factors in their fields.We're on the lookout for an individual who shares our dedication to assisting farmers in enhancing productivity through digital solutions. This role offers a unique opportunity to become a part of our dynamic team, responsible for testing applications that guarantee an exceptional experience for our valued customers. In collaboration with our engineering team, business analysts, and business partners, you will play a pivotal role in developing a world-class application that enhances productivity and elevates the customer experience. About the role We are looking for a talented and motivated Salesforce Developer to contribute to the mission of helping the worldb'/xe2/x80/x99's farmers sustainably increase productivity using digital tools, mobile software, advanced analytics, and high-quality assurance standards. This role is a unique opportunity to join our dynamic team, responsible for building and maintaining the apps that ensure a great experience for our customers. Are you passionate about Salesforce? We are looking for a Salesforce Developer to provide solutions and build our Salesforce platform. You will partner with engineering, business analysts, and business partners to build a world-class application to improve productivity and customer experience. Role Responsibilities: Work with other engineers, business stakeholders and analysts to deeply understand visual designs, application workflows, transitions, personas, use cases.Build elegant support tools and services.Participate in code reviews to share knowledge, help each other learn new things and take pride in making our code betterWrite comprehensive tests (unit, integration, automation) to improve qualityBring product and code improvement ideas to the teamIdentify risks associated with component or application ImplementationKeep current with trends and technological innovations in the agricultural industry and make appropriate development recommendations.Lead development initiatives and provides mentorship and direction to less experienced Engineers.Lead project technical scoping, technical specification review, training of new staff and of emerging Salesforce technologies to existing staff. Basic Qualifications: Intermediate/Advanced English skills with strong communication abilities.Self-motivated, quick learner, and adaptable to new technologies and legacy systems.Thrives in a team environment, actively contributes to collaboration, fostering a sense of community.Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, with a keen eye for detail and a proactive approach to issue resolution. Embraces new ideas to enhance problem-solving processes.Expert in Salesforce development, customization, and integration. Qualifications for the Role: 4+ years of Salesforce platform experience5+ Year of Web application development using modern framework experience.Experience working with Apex.Experience working with frontend web framework like React.Solid foundational grounding in OO design, RDBMS principles, and data modeling.Nice to have:Experience documenting use cases and implementation decisions.Familiarity with financial / software industry requirements.Experience successfully implementing third-party vendors/add-ons.Experience with Agile Development and SCRUM.Experience building platforms that support declarative interfaces.Salesforce Admin, Developer certifications preferred.Deep understanding of the Salesforce product suite including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Communities, and AppExchange solutions.Knowledge of complex integrations.Position Type:Remote opportunity from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.Full-Time and Long-Term Position Location: Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Senior Software Development Engineer in Test, you'll join a dedicated team focused on leisure, business experiences and specializing in resorts and hotels offering services such as pools, spas, and gyms. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in Mobile Application Testing and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 5 years of experience working in Software development or QA. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3 years of experience as a Mobile Application SDET. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in testing code / applications. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience building pipelines (automation pipelines preferred) b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Familiar with Firebase, Jenkins, or similar platform. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficient with Dart, Swift, Java and Kotlin. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Understands the importance of use cases to minimize issues before release. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply now!
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xa0' HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious Senior UX/UI Designer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading! What we need from you: At least 4 years of commercial experience in a similar roleProficiency in FigmaStrong understanding of user-centered design principles and usability standardsExpertise in interaction design, wireframing, and prototypingAbility to conduct in-depth user research, user journey mapping, and persona creationCompetence in agile methodologies (e.g., Scrum, Kanban)Excellent communication skills, including the ability to present and explain design decisions to clients and cross-functional teamsExperience in leading and mentoring junior designers, providing guidance and feedback on their workAccountability for the overall design quality and consistency across the product, ensuring all design solutions meet established standardsAbility to establish and maintain design systems, guidelines, and best practices for the product related design teamSkills in coordinating design efforts across multiple team members while maintaining project timelines and design coherenceCommunicative level of English (C1) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenBeing a team player focused on getting things doneEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers.Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitiousb'/xc2/xa0'Automation Software Tester to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!What we need from you: At least 2,5 years of commercial experience in testingExperience in manual and automation testing, writing, and executing test casesKnowledge of PythonKnowledge of test management tools (Playwright, Pytest)Experience in database testingDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious.NET Developer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 3 years of commercial experience in.NET and C#Familiarity with working in a cloud environmentAbility to work with databasesExperience in writing unit tests and debugging skillsDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious React Native Developer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 3 years of experience in React NativeKnowledge of JavaScript/TypeScriptExperience in writing unit tests and debugging skillsDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious Frontend Developer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 4 years of commercial experience in React Experience in writing unit tests and debugging skillsDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious Fullstack Developer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 4 years commercial experience in React and Node.js​Knowledge of DICOM standardExperience in writing unit tests and debugging skillsDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers. b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious Fullstack Developer to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 4 years commercial experience in React and Node.jsExperience in writing unit test and debugging skillsDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsCommunicative level of English (B2+) b'/xe2/x80/x93' both spoken and writtenActing in anticipation by identifying risks and solutions on a regular basisEagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Colón-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
HTD Health is a health technology consultancy on a mission to imagine, design, and build a healthier world. We partner with innovative healthcare organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to transform patient care and provider experiences. Our expert team supports clients across the entire digital product life cycle: technology strategy and roadmap planning, product discovery and user research, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, and organizational intelligence. Operating globally, with headquarters in New York, NY and Lodz, Poland, we foster a collaborative, innovation-driven culture where strong technical team members can learn, thrive, and advance their careers.b'/xc2/xa0' Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled, and ambitious Senior Product Owner to join our growing HTD Health team at our new branch in Buenos Aires! You will be one of the first team members at the new location and will take part in establishing our HTD team in Argentina. If you are passionate about building relationships and the challenge of coordinating the delivery of multiple projects to clients, then keep reading!b'/xc2/xa0' What we need from you: At least 4 years commercial experience in similar roleExperience in conducting the discovery processDemonstrated use of best practices, which will be a reference for others and sets the quality standardsVery good knowledge of spoken and written English (C1+)b'/xc2/xa0'Eagerness to develop your skills and constantly seeks opportunities for improvement, new learnings b'&' shows a strong b'
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Job Description - Responsibilities:b'/xc2/xa0'As a Senior Associate, youb'/xe2/x80/x99'll work as part of a Workday technical team of problem solvers with extensive technical and industry experience, helpingb'/xc2/xa0' solve their complex business issues from strategy to execution. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:● Proactively assist in the management of a portfolio of internal clients, while reporting to Managers and above● Work with business stakeholders and functional product owners to gather business requirements of internal clientb'/xe2/x80/x99's projects● Be actively involved in global standardization through automation and innovation● Contribute to the development of your own and team's technical acumen● Develop Workday integrations according to business requirements● Act as L3 escalation point from Application Management Service (AMS) technical L2 team● Create detailed system integration specifications and data dictionaryAdditional Job Description - Requirements:● Minimum diploma degree in technology or equivalent is required● previous experience in software development work and 2+ years of Workday technical integration experience● Strong communication, presentation and relationship building skills● Experience with iterative or agile software development methodologies● Strong understanding of cloud SaaS architecture principles and integration patterns● Working in a global/virtual team environment● Demonstrating strong background in the areas of Java, Javascript, API (SOAP b'&' REST), XML, XSLT, Xpath, JSON, oAuth 2.0, PGP, mySQL. Nice to have Azure and.NET experience● Prior experience in the following Workday integration technologies○ Workday Studio integration○ Report as a Service○ 3rd payroll integration○ Workday connectors○ Document Transformation b'&' EIB○ Workday API integration in both SOAP and REST○ BIRT report design● Demonstrating familiarity with Workday HCM, Talent Management, Recruiting and Security configuration● Prior experience in delivering complex Workday technical integrations in global deployment environments● Prior hand-on experience with data analysis, PoC, middleware and problem solving● Solid understanding of security and data privacy standards, data governance and integration/development standards and best practices● Workday Certified Integration, Studio and CCTPP Consultants or Integration Pro is preferred. Nice to have Workday Extend experience
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
DevOps Engineer Responsibilities: (Junior) Design and develop automation to support continuous delivery and continuous integration processes.Building and maintaining tools, solutions and modules associated with deployment and our operations platform, ensuring that all meet our customer service standards and reduce errors.Actively troubleshoot any issues that arise during testing and production, catching and solving issues before launch.Test our system integrity, implemented designs, application developments and other processes related to infrastructure, making improvements as needed.Update our processes and design new processes as needed.Deploy product updates as required while implementing integrations when they arise.Automate our operational processes as needed, with accuracy and in compliance with our security requirements.Specifying, documenting, developing and writing automation scripts.Establish DevOps Engineer team best practices.Manage code deployments, fixes, updates and related processes.Work with open-source technologies as needed.Work with CI and CD tools, and source control such as GIT, Jenkins.Offer technical support where needed. Stay current with industry trends and source new ways for our business to improve b'/xc2/xa0' DevOps Engineer Requirements (SSR) Strong experience with Linux-based infrastructures, Linux/Unix administration, and AWS.Strong knowledge of shell scripting.Strong experience with Openstack b'/xc2/xa0'technologies and cloud services.Strong experience in CI/CD pipelines buildingExperience with databases such as Oracle, MySQL and NoSQL.Experience with Scrum and workflow tools such as Jira.Experience in working with Ansible for automation and configuration.Strong communication skills and ability to explain protocol and processes with team and management.More than two years of experience in a DevOps Engineer role (or similar role); experience in software development and infrastructure development is a plus.Stellar troubleshooting skills with the ability to spot issues before they become problems.Current with industry trends, IT ops and industry best practices, and able to identify the ones we should implement.Time and project management skills, with the capability to prioritize and multitask as needed.Solid team player. We offer: FlexibilidadPrepaga grupo familiarUn dia a la semana de HomeworkingExtensib'/xc3/xb3'n de vacaciones Locacion: Microcentro, CABA
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are looking for a Senior Fullstack Java + Kotlin developer in the LATAM region, we have identified several key technologies and requirements for this role. The ideal candidate should possess strong expertise in Kotlin, Kafka, Postgres, and Android development. Kotlin is a critical requirement for this role, as it is a modern programming language that offers a concise and expressive syntax. Candidates should have a deep understanding of Kotlin's features and be able to leverage them to develop robust and efficient applications. Experience with Kafka is also essential, as it is a distributed streaming platform that is widely used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Candidates should be proficient in working with Kafka to handle large volumes of data in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner. Proficiency in Postgres is another key requirement, as it is a powerful open-source relational database system that is widely used for storing and managing data. Candidates should have a strong understanding of database design, performance tuning, and query optimization in the context of Postgres. Given the prevalence of Android as a mobile platform, candidates should also have expertise in Android development. This includes a deep understanding of the Android framework, UI/UX design principles, and best practices for building high-quality Android applications. In summary, we are seeking a Senior Fullstack Java + Kotlin developer with expertise in Kotlin, Kafka, Postgres, and Android development. The ideal candidate should have a strong technical background and be capable of delivering high-quality solutions in a fast-paced environment. If you believe you meet these criteria and are interested in joining a dynamic team, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. b'/xc2/xa0' Position: Contractor- 100%remote - USD Pay This position is open to Latam
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Sr. QA Manual Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on immersive experiences by merging virtual and physical realities. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient inb'/xc2/xa0'Mobile testing, TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira, Xrayb'/xc2/xa0'and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 4b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience working with Manual QA. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience as a Mobile QA for iOS. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira and Xray. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on Real Estate. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in machine learning or data science and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 3 years of experience working as a Machine Learning Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3 years of experience with Python or R. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with Machine Learning Frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch). ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with deep learning is a plus. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Fullstack Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on a dating app. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in Node, React Native, and TypeScript and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 5 years of experience working with Node.js. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 5 years of experience with React Native. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TypeScript. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with Apollo or NestJS is a plus b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Hello there! We are Devlane, a software development company with presence across all of LATAM, thatb'/xe2/x80/x99's currently offering staff augmentation services to clients around the world, with a special focus in North America. b'/xc2/xa0'With us, youb'/xe2/x80/x99'll have a real opportunity to shine and leave a footprint on the project you are assigned to since most of our clients are modern small/medium businesses with growing success that are looking to add core members to their team. This also means that you will stay up to date with the latest technology trends. Our values are simple: we create a collaborative environment and we strive for long relationships in which you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your teammates. Join a company thatb'/xe2/x80/x99's always adding new talent to its ranks every day In this opportunity, we are seeking ab'/xc2/xa0'FullStackb'/xc2/xa0'Engineer for a remote full-time position for one of our clients in the United States. What do we require from you? ✔ +4b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience inb'/xc2/xa0'JavaScript ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+3 years of experience inb'/xc2/xa0'Node.js ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working withb'/xc2/xa0'HTML, CSS, DOM ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year of experience working with or building HTTP APIs ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year of experience working with some sort of SQL / NoSQL DB ✔b'/xc2/xa0'+1 year leading a team of engineers Some of our Perks ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote Position.b'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 paid days per year for you to relax. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8 Working hours per day, with flexible working hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware: Laptop, mouse b'&' headphones
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
For more than 10 years, we have been developing customized software solutions for web b'&'b'/xc2/xa0'mobile platforms and providing IT staff augmentation services to clients from all over theb'/xc2/xa0'world. We strive to develop solutions with creativity and professionalism in a friendly andb'/xc2/xa0'inspiring environment. Web'/xe2/x80/x99'd love you to be part of it! Profile b'&' SeniorityWe are looking for a SR Java Developer to join our Team. If you enjoy working on a cuttingedge technologies environment, this opportunity is for you! Position Requirements: ➔ Be committed to producing high quality software➔ Have good time management skills➔ Experience developing Java based web applications and significant comfortb'/xc2/xa0'with both Java itself as well as OOA/D techniques➔ Experience with ORM mapping technologies such as Hibernate➔ Experience designing applications that leverage a dependency injectionb'/xc2/xa0'container such as Spring➔ Experience with relational database schema definition and queryb'/xc2/xa0'design/optimization➔ Experience building an externalized service layer to support multiple clientb'/xc2/xa0'implementations➔ Experience developing applications that must be scaled to provide consistentb'/xc2/xa0'throughput while supporting increasing user concurrency➔ Experience working with product managers and user experience asb'/xc2/xa0'requirements are fleshed out➔ Strong verbal and written communication skills➔ Understanding of both architectural and implementation patterns➔ Understanding of RESTful service design➔ Understanding of automated testing best practices➔ Familiarity with HTML, CSS and Javascript➔ Familiarity with variants of agile development methodologies➔ Experience leading a cross functional team to deliver functional software is ab'/xc2/xa0'plus➔ Experience with a variety of languages and frameworks is a plus➔ Experience working with messaging systems such as Apache Kafka ➔ Experience working with highly distributed systems➔ English: Advanced Other:➔ Direct contact with the client Nice to have but not mandatory:➔ Availability to travel to USA
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Summary/Mission: Perform tasks in all phases of the development cycle with little or none technical supervision. Appropriately assess problematic situations to gain adequate understanding of problems involved and assume the responsibility of delivering complex tasks on time and in scope within the teamb'/xe2/x80/x99's plan. Responsibilities: Work with the team to design for the performance, capacity and high availability of infrastructure and services Participate in problem resolution activities; Troubleshoot issues across the entire stack - software, database and infrastructure.Diagnose and troubleshoot complex distributed systems handling large volumes of data and develop solutions that have a significant impact at scale.Participate in building advanced tooling for testing, monitoring, administration and operations of multiple clusters across multiple geographically distributed data centersDevelop innovative ways to smartly measure, monitor b'&' report application and infrastructure healthExperience improving the performance of micro-services and solve scaling/performance issuesDefine and Monitor SLI/SLO Error BudgetsDrive efficiencies in systems and processes: capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring and root cause analysis. RequisitosRequirements / Experience: Creative when solving problems and continuously seeking improvements for processes and solutions facilitate knowledge sharing by creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation b'&' diagramsWrite high quality code to deliver automated solutions across the entire stack.Translate a passion for improvement into design b'&' roadmap contributions, despite existing technical challengesPartner with the Engineering community to establish metrics, review b'&' sign off on changes and introduce new services and schema changesStrong team player with a high degree of self-motivationAbility to learn new systems b'&' manage additional technical resources to meet the project requirementsCollaborate with development teams on best practices and infrastructure planning activities with a focus on reliability, performance and security3+ years of hands-on experience with cloud computing - including infrastructure, storage, platforms and data management, preferably in AWS.Experience with container orchestration technologies, like Docker b'&' KubernetesHands-on experience on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.Hands-on experience with Github Actions.Preferred Qualifications BS degree in computer science or proven software engineering capabilityExperience with traditional enterprise data-center technologies, including compute, storage appliances, virtual machines, and networkingExperience managing Databases: MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, or PostgreSQLExperience working with scalable networking technologies such as Load Balancers/Firewalls and web standards (REST APIs,, web security mechanisms, OWASP top 10).Broader Integration and management experience of DevOps ecosystems and relatedDeployment/orchestration tools such as Helm, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory3+ years of experience in Linux Systems and general programming/scripting (Python, Shell, Java, Golang) and automation frameworks.Able to identify the root cause and resolve critical issues by looking across multiple layers (storage, OS, network, and application / DB stack)Play a part in incident management and emergency response b'/xc2/xa0' Location: LATAM USD Pay
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Python Developer with advanced English proficiency to join our team. This position is open to candidates across Latin America. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience working with Python and Django, demonstrating expertise in building scalable, high-quality solutions. Key Responsibilities: Design, develop, and maintain robust, efficient, and scalable Python applications.Utilize Django to create and manage web applications, ensuring best practices and high performance.Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define and implement technical solutions aligned with business goals.Write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code.Conduct code reviews, mentor junior developers, and contribute to team growth.Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues in a timely manner.Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to continuously improve processes and deliverables. Requirements: Minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience with Python and Django.Advanced English communication skills, both written and verbal.Strong understanding of software development principles, object-oriented programming, and RESTful APIs.Experience with version control systems such as Git.Familiarity with front-end technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript) is a plus.Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a remote environment.Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. This is an excellent opportunity for a seasoned Python developer looking to work on challenging projects in a dynamic, remote-friendly environment. If you meet the qualifications and are passionate about delivering high-quality solutions, we encourage you to apply. Location: LATAM
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