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Vicente López (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Empresa especializada en brindar soluciones informb'/xc3/xa1'ticas integrales para la trazabilidad y serializacib'/xc3/xb3'n de productos en diversas industrias, con un enfoque particular en el sector farmacb'/xc3/xa9'utico. Su objetivo principal es acompab'/xc3/xb1'ar a sus clientes en la evolucib'/xc3/xb3'n digital a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro, desde el origen hasta la distribucib'/xc3/xb3'n, para proteger la seguridad de pacientes y consumidores. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Actitud proactiva y dinb'/xc3/xa1'mica.Orientacib'/xc3/xb3'n a resultados.Habilidades de prospeccib'/xc3/xb3'n.Excelentes habilidades de comunicacib'/xc3/xb3'n y relaciones interpersonales.Capacidad de negociacib'/xc3/xb3'n. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Experiencia mb'/xc3/xad'nima de 4 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en la posicib'/xc3/xb3'n | Excluyente.Experiencia en Ventas de Valor de soluciones SaaS a empresas | Deseable.Experiencia en Gestib'/xc3/xb3'n de Account Plans y Territory Plan | Deseable.Nivel de inglb'/xc3/xa9's intermedio-avanzado | Deseable.Contar con experiencia en el mercado IT y conocimientos de la industria farmacb'/xc3/xa9'utica, qub'/xc3/xad'mica, dispositivos mb'/xc3/xa9'dicos o cosmb'/xc3/xa9'ticos | Deseable.Ser Universitario avanzado o graduado de las b'/xc3/xa1'reas Marketing, Comercializacib'/xc3/xb3'n, Adm. de Empresas o Sistemas | Deseable. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Investigar el mercado con el fin de diseb'/xc3/xb1'ar un plan comercial potente para captar nuevos clientes, socios de negocio y aliados en un mercado altamente competitivo, colaborando con el Head de Ventas, para buscar los mejores nichos/oportunidades del mercado.Manejar y potenciar su cartera de clientes, proponiendo tareas de fidelizacib'/xc3/xb3'n hacia los mismos.Prospectar cuentas con el objetivo de generar nuevas reuniones comerciales y visitar potenciales clientes para ofrecerles los servicios de la empresa.Fortalecer la relacib'/xc3/xb3'n comercial a largo plazo entre la empresa y los clientes actuales, siendo capaz de construir sb'/xc3/xb3'lidos vb'/xc3/xad'nculos con ejecutivos de alto nivel.Ejecutar el plan comercial en cada uno de los mercados y cuentas asignadas manteniendo un pronb'/xc3/xb3'stico de ventas saludable para superar los objetivos de ingresos asignados.Colaborar con el b'/xc3/xa1'rea de Marketing en la creacib'/xc3/xb3'n y ejecucib'/xc3/xb3'n de campab'/xc3/xb1'as de generacib'/xc3/xb3'n de demanda. b'/xc2/xbf'Con quib'/xc3/xa9'n trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's?b'/xc2/xa0' El equipo estb'/xc3/xa1' conformado por el CEO, el gerente comercial y seis colegas comerciales divididos en Europa y Latam. Ademb'/xc3/xa1's trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's de manera interna con otras b'/xc3/xa1'reas que intervienen en el proceso. b'/xc2/xbf'Con qub'/xc3/xa9' herramientas trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? La herramienta con las que trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's serb'/xc3/xa1': CRM. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? El esquema de trabajo es hb'/xc3/xad'brido de 9:00 a 18:00 hs, concurriendo Martes y Jueves de manera presencial a las oficinas ubicadas en Vicente Lb'/xc3/xb3'pez.Y deberb'/xc3/xa1's contar con disponibilidad para realizar viajes de al menos de 1 semana esporb'/xc3/xa1'dicamente. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Esquema hb'/xc3/xad'brido de trabajo.Herramientas de trabajo.Prepaga para grupo familiar.Plan anual de capacitaciones.Una semana adicional de vacaciones a partir del segundo ab'/xc3/xb1'o trabajado.Clases semanales de idiomas.Crb'/xc3/xa9'dito en Pedidos Ya.Db'/xc3/xad'a libre de cumpleab'/xc3/xb1'os.Importantes gift cards por plan de referidos. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's una primera entrevista con nuestra Recruiter, Victoria Coatz, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Posteriormente con la empresa empleadora tendrb'/xc3/xa1's una primera entrevista con RH. Luego hay dos exb'/xc3/xa1'menes de manera virtual los cub'/xc3/xa1'les son, uno de lb'/xc3/xb3'gica y otro de excel. La siguiente instancia es una entrevista virtual con el Gerente Comercial para luego continuar con una entrevista de manera presencial coordinada con anticipacib'/xc3/xb3'n con el CEO. Por b'/xc3/xba'ltimo se programa una evaluacib'/xc3/xb3'n de competencias ejecutivas de manera virtual. En el caso de que se avance de manera positiva en todas las instancias mencionadas anteriormente, se coordina examen preocupacional para la incorporacib'/xc3/xb3'n. b'/xc2/xa0'
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Argentina (Todas las ciudades)
Primer Curso de Peluqueria Canina 100% on line. Modalidad Combinada con aula virtual y practicos transmitidos en vivo. Costo y temario www...182534143
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 30 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en el mercado, especializada en brindar soluciones innovadoras de software e ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a, como asb'/xc3/xad' tambib'/xc3/xa9'n en distintos proyectos de diversas tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as, ofreciendo servicios a firmas nacionales e internacionales de diferentes industrias como retail, logb'/xc3/xad'stica, salud, finanzas y agricultura. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Que sepasb'/xc2/xa0'trabajar en equipo.Que pongas el foco enb'/xc2/xa0'lograr los objetivos y generar impacto en el resto de la empresa.Que quierasb'/xc2/xa0'aprender. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Estudios avanzados o culminados en carreras universitarias afines a Sistemas.Experiencia de mb'/xc3/xa1's deb'/xc2/xa0'5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en el lenguaje C#, desarrollando en.NET con las versiones Classic 4.8+ y/o Core 6+b'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia deb'/xc2/xa0'bases de datos y sintaxis SQL, nivel avanzadob'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia enb'/xc2/xa0'entorno web HTML, CSS, JQueryb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia enb'/xc2/xa0'MVCb'/xc2/xa0'| Excluyente.Experiencia enb'/xc2/xa0'AngularJS b'/xe2/x80/x93' Angular 2b'/xc2/xa0'| Deseable.Experiencia enb'/xc2/xa0'Bootstrap, JavaScriptb'/xc2/xa0'| Deseable. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Comob'/xc2/xa0'Desarrollador/a.Net Full Stack Ssr. / Sr., tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Desarrollar, implementar y mantener aplicacionesb'/xc2/xa0'que ofrece la empresa a distintos clientes.Realizar las tareas que te sean encomendadasb'/xc2/xa0'en el tiempo y forma estipulados.Colaborar con la capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'nb'/xc2/xa0'de los/as desarrolladores/as y el armado del equipo.Los proyectos incluyen desarrollos: Desarrollos de aplicaciones WEB.Programacib'/xc3/xb3'n Mobile.Desarrollo de API.Mantenimiento de sistemas.Aplicaciones interactivas.Marketing digital.Integraciones de sistemas.Mensajerb'/xc3/xad'as Rabbit MQ y /o MQTT. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's en unb'/xc2/xa0'esquema presencial, yendo a las oficinas de Microcentro, CABA. La franja horaria es deb'/xc2/xa0'9 a 18 hs de lunes a viernes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'n continuab'/xc2/xa0'en proyectos desafiantes.Posibilidad de certificaciones Microsoft.Prepaga Swiss Medical.Gaseosas, cafb'/xc3/xa9', tb'/xc3/xa9' y mate cocido a disposicib'/xc3/xb3'n.Estacionamientob'/xc2/xa0'para motos/ bicicletas. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's unab'/xc2/xa0'primera entrevista conb'/xc2/xa0'nuestra Recruiter,b'/xc2/xa0'Rocb'/xc3/xad'o Albelo,b'/xc2/xa0'para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, unab'/xc2/xa0'entrevista virtual con la Referente de Recursos Humanos y el envb'/xc3/xad'o de un challenge. Por b'/xc3/xba'ltimo, una instancia deb'/xc2/xa0'entrevista presencial con el Lb'/xc3/xad'der Tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico del b'/xc3/xa1'rea.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' hace la compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a? Compab'/xc3/xb1'b'/xc3/xad'a con mb'/xc3/xa1's de 30 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en el mercado, especializada en brindar soluciones innovadoras de software e ingenierb'/xc3/xad'a, como asb'/xc3/xad' tambib'/xc3/xa9'n en distintos proyectos de diversas tecnologb'/xc3/xad'as, ofreciendo servicios a firmas nacionales e internacionales de diferentes industrias como retail, logb'/xc3/xad'stica, salud, finanzas y agricultura. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' necesitb'/xc3/xa1's para ser parte del equipo? A nivel personal: Que sepas trabajar en equipo.Que pongas el foco en lograr los objetivos y generar impacto en el resto de la empresa.Que quieras aprender. A nivel tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico: Estudios avanzados o culminados en carreras universitarias afines a Sistemas.Experiencia de mb'/xc3/xa1's de 5 ab'/xc3/xb1'os en el lenguaje C#, desarrollando en.NET con las versiones Classic 4.8+ y/o Core 6+ | Excluyente.Experiencia de bases de datos y sintaxis SQL, nivel avanzado | Excluyente.Experiencia en entorno web HTML, CSS, JQuery | Excluyente.Experiencia en MVC | Excluyente.Experiencia en AngularJS - Angular 2 | Deseable.Experiencia en Bootstrap, JavaScript | Deseable. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' vas a hacer? Como Desarrollador/a.Net Full Stack Ssr. / Sr., tendrb'/xc3/xa1's a tu cargo las siguientes responsabilidades: Desarrollar, implementar y mantener aplicaciones que ofrece la empresa a distintos clientes.Realizar las tareas que te sean encomendadas en el tiempo y forma estipulados.Colaborar con la capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'n de los/as desarrolladores/as y el armado del equipo.Los proyectos incluyen desarrollos: Desarrollos de aplicaciones WEB.Programacib'/xc3/xb3'n Mobile.Desarrollo de API.Mantenimiento de sistemas.Aplicaciones interactivas.Marketing digital.Integraciones de sistemas.Mensajerb'/xc3/xad'as Rabbit MQ y /o MQTT. b'/xc2/xbf'Cub'/xc3/xa1'ndo y db'/xc3/xb3'nde trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's? Trabajarb'/xc3/xa1's en un esquema presencial, yendo a las oficinas de Microcentro, CABA. La franja horaria es de 9 a 18 hs de lunes a viernes. b'/xc2/xbf'Qub'/xc3/xa9' ofrecen? Relacib'/xc3/xb3'n de dependencia directa.Capacitacib'/xc3/xb3'n continua en proyectos desafiantes.Posibilidad de certificaciones Microsoft.Prepaga Swiss Medical.Gaseosas, cafb'/xc3/xa9', tb'/xc3/xa9' y mate cocido a disposicib'/xc3/xb3'n.Estacionamiento para motos/ bicicletas. b'/xc2/xbf'De qub'/xc3/xa9' fases consta el proceso de seleccib'/xc3/xb3'n?b'/xc2/xa0' Tendrb'/xc3/xa1's una primera entrevista con nuestro CEO, Diego Rodriguez, para conocer tus experiencias laborales e intereses. Luego, una entrevista virtual con la Referente de Recursos Humanos y el envb'/xc3/xad'o de un challenge. Por b'/xc3/xba'ltimo, una instancia de entrevista presencial con el Lb'/xc3/xad'der Tb'/xc3/xa9'cnico del b'/xc3/xa1'rea.
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Sr. QA Manual Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on immersive experiences by merging virtual and physical realities. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient inb'/xc2/xa0'Mobile testing, TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira, Xrayb'/xc2/xa0'and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 4b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience working with Manual QA. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience as a Mobile QA for iOS. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TestFlight, BrowserStack, Jira and Xray. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' Here, you will be able to: Be part of a company that is on constant growth.Reinforce your skills on Node.jsPropose ideas in order to improve the process. What do we require from you? Minimum of 5 years of experience working with as ab'/xc2/xa0'Backend Engineer.At least 3 year of experience withb'/xc2/xa0'Node.js.b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working with AWSExperience working with React.js is a plus. Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Summary/Mission: Perform tasks in all phases of the development cycle with little or none technical supervision. Appropriately assess problematic situations to gain adequate understanding of problems involved and assume the responsibility of delivering complex tasks on time and in scope within the teamb'/xe2/x80/x99's plan. Responsibilities: Work with the team to design for the performance, capacity and high availability of infrastructure and services Participate in problem resolution activities; Troubleshoot issues across the entire stack - software, database and infrastructure.Diagnose and troubleshoot complex distributed systems handling large volumes of data and develop solutions that have a significant impact at scale.Participate in building advanced tooling for testing, monitoring, administration and operations of multiple clusters across multiple geographically distributed data centersDevelop innovative ways to smartly measure, monitor b'&' report application and infrastructure healthExperience improving the performance of micro-services and solve scaling/performance issuesDefine and Monitor SLI/SLO Error BudgetsDrive efficiencies in systems and processes: capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring and root cause analysis. RequisitosRequirements / Experience: Creative when solving problems and continuously seeking improvements for processes and solutions facilitate knowledge sharing by creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation b'&' diagramsWrite high quality code to deliver automated solutions across the entire stack.Translate a passion for improvement into design b'&' roadmap contributions, despite existing technical challengesPartner with the Engineering community to establish metrics, review b'&' sign off on changes and introduce new services and schema changesStrong team player with a high degree of self-motivationAbility to learn new systems b'&' manage additional technical resources to meet the project requirementsCollaborate with development teams on best practices and infrastructure planning activities with a focus on reliability, performance and security3+ years of hands-on experience with cloud computing - including infrastructure, storage, platforms and data management, preferably in AWS.Experience with container orchestration technologies, like Docker b'&' KubernetesHands-on experience on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service.Hands-on experience with Github Actions.Preferred Qualifications BS degree in computer science or proven software engineering capabilityExperience with traditional enterprise data-center technologies, including compute, storage appliances, virtual machines, and networkingExperience managing Databases: MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, or PostgreSQLExperience working with scalable networking technologies such as Load Balancers/Firewalls and web standards (REST APIs,, web security mechanisms, OWASP top 10).Broader Integration and management experience of DevOps ecosystems and relatedDeployment/orchestration tools such as Helm, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory3+ years of experience in Linux Systems and general programming/scripting (Python, Shell, Java, Golang) and automation frameworks.Able to identify the root cause and resolve critical issues by looking across multiple layers (storage, OS, network, and application / DB stack)Play a part in incident management and emergency response b'/xc2/xa0' Location: LATAM USD Pay
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on Real Estate. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in machine learning or data science and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 3 years of experience working as a Machine Learning Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3 years of experience with Python or R. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with Machine Learning Frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch). ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with deep learning is a plus. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Fullstack Engineer, you'll join a dedicated team focused on a dating app. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in Node, React Native, and TypeScript and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 5 years of experience working with Node.js. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 5 years of experience with React Native. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in working with TypeScript. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with Apollo or NestJS is a plus b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What's the role about? As a Senior Software Development Engineer in Test, you'll join a dedicated team focused on leisure, business experiences and specializing in resorts and hotels offering services such as pools, spas, and gyms. We're seeking candidates who are highly proficient in Mobile Application Testing and who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum 5 years of experience working in Software development or QA. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'At least 3 years of experience as a Mobile Application SDET. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in testing code / applications. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience building pipelines (automation pipelines preferred) b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Familiar with Firebase, Jenkins, or similar platform. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficient with Dart, Swift, Java and Kotlin. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Understands the importance of use cases to minimize issues before release. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. b'/xe2/x80/x8d'✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' Here, you will be able to: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Be part of a company that is in constant growth. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Reinforce your skills in DevOpsb'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Propose ideas to improve the process. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum of 4 years of experience as a DevOps Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Proficiency in AWS, Azure, or GCP. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience implementing CI/CD pipelines. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Familiarity with Terraform, CloudFormation, or Pulumi. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience with Linux and network administration b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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Nueve de Julio-Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
Welcome to Devlane! b'/xe2/x80/x8d' We are a dynamic software development company with a strong presence across Latin America. Currently, we specialize in offering staff augmentation services to clients worldwide, with a particular focus on North America. Joining our team offers you the opportunity to shine and make a significant impact on the projects you work on. Many of our clients are modern small to medium-sized businesses experiencing rapid growth, and they're eager to add core members like you to their teams. This environment ensures you'll stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. At Devlane, our values are straightforward: we foster a collaborative environment and prioritize building long-lasting relationships where you can develop your skills as a software engineer and learn from your peers.b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Here, you will be able to: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Be part of a company that is in constant growth. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Reinforce your skills inb'/xc2/xa0'Data Engineeringb'/xc2/xa0' ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Propose ideas to improve the process. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' What do we require from you? ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Minimum ofb'/xc2/xa0'5b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience working as ab'/xc2/xa0'Data Engineer. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'At leastb'/xc2/xa0'5b'/xc2/xa0'years of experience with SQL. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working with Python. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Experience working withb'/xc2/xa0'Airflow and Snowflake. b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Some of our Perks: ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Salary in USD. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'100% Remote ✔b'/xc2/xa0'25 days of Paid Time Off per year. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'8-hour workday, with flexible hours. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Welcome kit from the brand. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'High-end hardware provided: laptop, mouse, b'&' headphones. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'English classes, virtual library and online courses. ✔b'/xc2/xa0'Contribution bonuses b'/xe2/x80/x8d' Ready to take the next step in your career?b'/xc2/xa0' Apply now!
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